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Predators Reviews
Serpent Hunter Predators (Neca) - Series 17 - Alien vs Predator Rated 4.50 stars by Dark Fire Action Figure Art A mostly faithful recreation of the Serpent Hunter Predator from the Aliens vs Predator 2010 video game. This was somewhat of a surprise release given this Predator isn't a main character in the game and is kind of obscure. It was a dream figure for me at the time of release just due to the Serpent Hunter mask alone.
It uses the AVP (2004) Predator style body, which is easily one of NECA's best Predator sculpts given it's articulation, height, and just overall look. This figure has a few unique parts from the others. Aside from the unique masked head, it has unique dual wristblade gauntlets with retractable blades. The left gauntlet also has an opening wrist computer. The belt/skirt are unique as are the lower legs. The figure can hold a lot of cool poses, but part of the skirt can get...[See More]
Bone Throne Predators (Neca) - Dioramas Rated 4.75 stars by Dark Fire Action Figure Art An awesome piece with great sculpting and a lot of heft. Some of the tail spine bits on the back were a bit fragile on my copy and were chipped, but other than that it's a pretty cool piece. It includes some Alien Queen dorsal tubes/spines, but they tend to not want to stay plugged in, and the plastic they're made of causes them to droop over time (the Alien Queen figures have this same issue with their spines). I personally just never bothered displaying them on the throne as it takes up less space without them.
As for displaying figures on it, your experience may vary depending on the Predator your wish to sit on it. Most can't completely sit due to their armor, the NECA Clan Leader Predator it's often shown with being a good example as he will not sit flat due to his armor and...[See More]
Trophy Wall Predators (Neca) - Dioramas Rated 4.75 stars by Dark Fire Action Figure Art A faithful recreation of the trophy wall seen in Predator 2. The detail is amazing and the paint job is quite good, too. This is a very solid and heavy piece. It includes one big alien creature skull, but if you want it to be film accurate you either have the get the skull pack or collect all the figures that included the skulls. My only complaint about this piece is some of the bits don't hold onto the trophy skulls as well as they should, which required some extra support. You can also store more skulls on the shelf in the center to give it your own unique take. Overall it's an amazing piece. I've had mine since 2013. Nowadays it's quite expensive in the aftermarket as is the trophy skull pack, but well worth adding to your Predator collection if you can find them at a price you're...[See More]
Machiko Predators (Neca) - Series 18 Rated 4.45 stars by Dark Fire Action Figure Art This was another long awaited figure for me personally. Machiko Noguchi is easily my favorite human character in the Alien and Predator Universe, and NECA did a fairly good job at capturing her appearance from Aliens vs Predator: War.
This figure comes with a couple of accessories in the form of her burner rifle, a removable bio-mask, and an alternate hand. The mask is accurate to the one she wore in Issue 0 though it would have been nice if it had included a more Jungle Hunter-like one, too, as she wore one like it through the rest of the series. The mask's tubes can plug into her shoulder cannon, but it's a bit of a pain to plug them in and keep them in. I put some super glue on the ends, allowed it to dry and that seemed to make them fit more snugly. The rife is accurate to the one...[See More]
Broken Tusk Predators (Neca) - Series 18 Rated 4.50 stars by Dark Fire Action Figure Art This was a long awaited figure for me, given the original Aliens Versus Predator comic run is probably my favorite comic series of all time. The figure is essentially the Ultimate Jungle Hunter Predator mold NECA tends to reuse a lot, which is justified given he looked a lot similar in build to the Jungle Hunter in the comic series, too. Some pieces of the armor such as the wristblade gauntlet, belt, and knee guards are new sculpts, the rest of the armor is a reuse of the Kenner homage Stalker Predator they had released in series 16, but again this reuse is justified given his appearance in the comic.
He includes his burner gun, which is nice and pretty comic accurate, though I feel it should have included some ammo on the sling given it was present in the comic. A blast effect would...[See More]
Golden Angel Predator Predators (Neca) - Ultimate Collection Rated 4.00 stars by ScarecrowGOF Overall a great figure. But a serious flaw is the accessory sword snapped off when I tried to take it out of the sheath located on the figure's back. Terribly fragile sword that cannot even be used correctly without breaking....[See More]
Dutch Schaefer (Jungle Disguise) Predators (Neca) - Series 9 Rated 5.00 stars by moviemaniacx Predator was a childhood favorite and remains one of my favorite films today. Out of all the Dutch figures NECA has put out, this one is still my favorite. The scene is iconic and the figure blends right in with my Alien/Predator display, torch held high ready to declare WAR!
The sculpt is awesome with muddy pockmarks and leafy chunks along the torso. Dutch comes packin’ with his branch bow, three regular arrows, one grenade arrow, knife spear, grenade spear and gunpowder pouch. The final, and coolest, accessory is the aforementioned torch, precisely crafted and brightly painted....[See More]
Boar Predator Predators (Neca) - Series 4 Rated 5.00 stars by Wolf_Predator Series 4 has improved. BIG TIME and what I mean by that is especially the legs, they're much more movable than the others but I personally think they could have been better with the elbows but that's my only complaint. Now, because I got bored last night, I decided to mak Boar and the City Hunter (Unmasked), and made them both battle damaged. If I could figure it out, I would cut a little slot in City Hunter's stomach area and make the disc removable from his gut. And I could figure this out, I would remove his left arm and make it all bloody and I would install two little pegs on his arm so if I wanted too I could put it back on. And on Boar, last night, I removed the mask. So now I can take that off when I want too. Did the same with my Battle-Damaged Thunder Predator, which is a...[See More]
Predator Hound Predators (Neca) - Series 3 Rated 4.80 stars by Wolf_Predator Well, I have to say, it's a great figure and looks like you could get him in a bunch of different poses but my only complaint is that my hound is still VERY stiff... I can rotate his paws, I can move his head around, (barely), and I can get his waist to swivel and that's basically all I can get to move on it... So overall it has nice detail and come om, it's by NECA, so what do you expect? So I can't say I can give this one a 5, so I'll give it a 4.8. But if you can find it, get it. Well worth the money...[See More]
City Hunter Predator Predators (Neca) - Series 4 Rated 3.50 stars by pulpyfiction So I finally got my hands on one of these figures for $20! I feel this is a fair price, anymore and you're just buying into the hype of this figure. This review is for the single pack, unmasked version of the figure.
So first off, the articulation is fantastic, for the series that is. This is a big step up from the previously released figures. After the prototype was shown, a lot of fans were drooling at the mouth for these because of the articulation alone. I have to say, it's good, but not amazing. With either 16 or 18 points of articulation, it depends if you count the swivel hinge elbows as a single point of articulation or two (a debated point in the figure world). The figure features balljointed neck, peg and hinge shoulders and elbows, balljointed wrists, balljointed waist,...[See More]