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Batman - Animated Series Reviews
Batman (Infrared)
Batman - Animated Series (Kenner) - Series 2
Rated 5.00 stars by Collector1
Batman: The Animated Series which lasted from the early to late 90's is one of the most highly regarded Batman cartoons to this day, and is responsible for bringing a number of Bat-Fan's into the fold. The toy's were fittingly, awesome. While never highly articulated, the made up for it in being highly show accurate, and having the most awesome accessories. Infrared Batman is just the same. I remember when I first got this guy, cloth cape and all back when I was a wee little Collector1. The action figure features minimal articulation, but this does not detract from the figure at all! The detail in the toy is Bruce Timm's famed minimalist style, yet still looking cool. The weaponry featured hear is a typical disk launcher that was exceedingly popular in the 90's and still hanging in...[See More]
Batman - Animated Series (Kenner) - Series 2
Rated 5.00 stars by batman26
This is a great figure. it looks just like he does in the show. He comes with a laughing gas spray gun that you can fill up with water and it sprays. He also comes with a gas mask....[See More]
Batman - Animated Series (Kenner) - Vehicles
Rated 5.00 stars by batman26
I love this vehicle. You never see it in the show and it looks odd, but it is loads of fun to play with. It is the most fun vehicle in the whole toy line and it is very versitile. It has a missile launcher, a claw and a place in the back to strap the bad guys to to take em' back to jail.I totally recommend this toy. I also suggest you pick up the combatbelt batman or rapid attack batman while your at it because they both come with batcuffs so you can handcuff villains than strap them up to the hoverbat....[See More]
Batman - Animated Series (Kenner) - Series 1
Rated 4.50 stars by batman26
Love this figure. i'm still a kid and i finally got him a couple weeks ago after years. His appearance is terrific and so is his jacket. His umbrella whirls around like a top. I give this figure 4.5 stars because the umbrella had the potential to be a lot better. It doesn't even look like and umbrella. He goes for some pretty high prices but it is definitely worth it and will provide plenty of fun....[See More]
Batman - Animated Series (Kenner) - Series 1
Rated 5.00 stars by batman26
This Robin is perfect even down to the colors of his cape. It even has the yellow on the inside. His Turbo glider is also really cool. This is by far the best Robin figure....[See More]
Batcave Command Center
Batman - Animated Series (Kenner) - Playsets
Rated 2.00 stars by batman26
Pathetic is the only way to discribe it.Looks nothing like the animated batcave or Wayne Manor. it has only one side for battling villains....[See More]
Batman - Animated Series (Kenner) - Series 1
Rated 4.50 stars by batman26
This is a very fun toy. the only downside is that the side of his suit that is supposed to be white is light blue. don't no why but don't let that ruin the fun for you....[See More]
Batman - Animated Series (Kenner) - Vehicles
Rated 3.00 stars by batman26
I love this batmobile but the toy is pretty dissappointing. It is not a two seater so it can't fit robin in it. it also has no missile launchers. instead, it has a "launching persuit jet." wooooo. the only cool feature is that the wheels extend to disable the jokermobile's tires.(it is too bad that kenner failed to make any normal bad guys or vehicles for batman to beat up or have car chases with) The best part of this toy is that it's appearance is identical to it's tv show counterpart...[See More]
Genrader -
Friday, November 4, 2022
batman26, see what I posted on the New Adventures rerelease of this I just discovered!

https://www.figurerealm.com/actionfigur ... iclesinone
Wow they rereleased the same toy from the Series 1 if Animated Series?!

https://www.figurerealm.com/actionfigur ... =batmobile

I hated how it only had one seat and wasn't that great.
Batman - Animated Series (Kenner) - Series 1
Rated 5.00 stars by batman26
This is probably the most fun and one of the most accurate villain figures for the greatest cartoon show ever. His outfit matches the tv show counterpart perfectly except the tv show character has his jacket buttoned up(not a big deal). What makes this figure great is his question mark launcher. it can be used to fire the missile or the figure can hold onto the launcher and use it to slide down a zipline. great toy....[See More]
Batman (Combat Belt)
Batman - Animated Series (Kenner) - Series 1
Rated 5.00 stars by Henchmen4Hire
Beautifully fine!! Classic design!! What is the best figure ever made for the infinitely countless Batman series? The original Batman of course!! Batman comes painted in his greatest color scheme and is sculpted exactly like he looks in the original Batman:TAS cartoons. The classic grey and black with the piercing white eyes and the bold yellow and black bat-symbol emblazoned on his chest!! His gloves, boots, cowel, and tights are jet black with a satin smooth finish to contrast with his arms, legs, and torso which are painted a soft, light grey. His eyes, a blinding white against his dark mask. Batman also comes with handcuffs, a fabric cape, a removable belt, and a yellow grappling hook that really shoots!! It has a powerful spring inside which shoots it extremely far. The grappling...[See More]
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