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Batman - New Animated Reviews
Joker (Hammer Strike)
Batman - New Animated (Mattel) - Basic Series
Rated 3.50 stars by JeddTheJedi
Many people have mixed feelings about the character designs on the animated show "The Batman" and indeed the show itself, but it does have its charms. This version of the Joker has a pretty cool look, with dramatic green hair that sorta looks like dreadlocks, large yellow teeth, squinted red eyes, bare feet and straitjacket. This design worked in the context of the show, and is translated pretty well into action figure form here. The defining features of the design pop out, and the paint work is good featuring the bright colours from the show's Joker. The green of the hair and the pale white of the skin in particular are important aspects of the character. The straitjacket is also an interesting addition to the Joker's look, instead of his traditional purple suit. There is a half-way...[See More]
Mr. Freeze
Batman - New Animated (Mattel) - Basic Series
Rated 3.50 stars by TheGreyGoose
Mr. Freeze isn't one of my favorite characters, in fact, in most Batman franchises, I could live without him, especially in Batman and Robin, where I wish I could jump into the movie and kick Schwarzennager's "ice", seriously, he needs to "chill" with the ice puns, however, when I was watching "The Batman" and saw Mr. Freeze's new look, I thought to myself "best villain in the show, now where's his action figure?" Needless to say I bought him, and he's cool and all, but the figure itself has a few minor bugs. The articulation is sadly the standard for toys based on animated series, in that it's only in the shoulders, waist, and thighs, and since his head is bound in cool rubber translucent ice, he can't move that. He's pretty front heavy, so he tends to fall a lot, and since his legs...[See More]
Batman - New Animated (Mattel) - Basic Series
Rated 5.00 stars by Deathlock66
I've always found man bat to be a cool bat villian.Man bat has off course been put into the batman cartoon series and this is the figure from it.He looks so much like his animated counterpart he is white with red eyes ears and nose he has gry trouses too.His sculpt is good it doesn't have to be a brilliant sculpt it just has to look like the guy in the show it does which is perfect.He has long arms which go out there are 2 tabs on the shoulders and you can make his arms move up and down like he is flying I supose not the best action feature but you don't need it to be.Now articulation is actually pretty good he has a ball jointed neck swivel shoulders move out up and down arms swivel at the ellbow bend too mid section chest moves up and down and also turns and the legs move up and down...[See More]
pock63 -
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wow that is a very cool loocking figure!
3-In-1 Batjet
Batman - New Animated (Mattel) - Vehicles
Rated 5.00 stars by batman26
This vehicle is flawless. It looks exactly like it does in the show and it fits both batman and robin. it has two missle launchers to shoot down bad guys and a claw on the end just like in the show that can pick up bad guys. definitely get this toy....[See More]
Batman (Ice Escape)
Batman - New Animated (Mattel) - Basic Series
Rated 4.00 stars by batman26
It is terrible what the makers of the tv show did to all of the characters. especially the Riddler. even though the new Riddler is awful, the toy figure is pretty good. he comes with a cool question mark. the question mark can be used for various things. you can use it to make him swing down a zipline. it can be used to hook onto batman. it also has a button that makes a blade swing out from the side. this figure is pretty fun....[See More]
Batman - New Animated (Mattel) - Basic Series
Rated 4.50 stars by batman26
This is the best villain figure for this toy line. He comes with his hat, umbrella, and spiked mace. on his back is a little button that when pushed, makes the arm that holds the mace swing. the swinging arm works very very well too. his umbrella is very detailed and even has the penguin beek on the end. the only downside to the figure is that he is hard to stand up. his jacket comes down to far and his hat can be hard to keep on his head. overall, this is a great toy....[See More]
Batman (Zip Action)
Batman - New Animated (Mattel) - Basic Series
Rated 4.00 stars by batman26
This is a cool batman figure. he has a retractable batcable attachted to his hand so he can pull himself up to higher ground. he also comes with a firing disk launcher....[See More]
Batman - New Animated (Mattel) - Vehicles
Rated 5.00 stars by batman26
This is a great batmobile. It has lights, sounds, and fires missiles. there are two buttons on the back of the car. one makes firing missile launchers spring out from the sides and there are also lights and sounds to go with it. when the second button is pushed, there are two different sounds that can be made. the first is the engine starting, and the second is as if the batmobile was making a sharp turn....[See More]
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