Star Wars - Power of the Force II Reviews
Dewback (with Sandtrooper)Star Wars - Power of the Force II (Kenner) - 12" Scale
5.00 stars by
vampiremavenI give this figure set the highest rating. It is made beautifully. The Dewback has great detailing and wire in it's tail to bend how you'd like. The Sandtrooper is perfect, down to every last detail (like his Life pack and his Imperial battle lance.). He even has the feel of good materials, high grade plastic. The Dewback is 31 inches long and you can take some great photos of this group. Throw in a Barbie, a Santa Claus figure or a GI Joe and get a story line going! I love this set!...[
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Endor AttackStar Wars - Power of the Force II (Kenner) - Playsets
4.00 stars by
futuramafreakAfter purchasing this playset NIB in January of 2014 I immediatly opened it and assembled the contents. It was exactly as described and compliments figures well. I used later released figures for my diorama and was pleasantly suprised at how well they fit and looked next to a 20 year old set. The swinging branch and "rocket launcher" are mostly for looks but do work as far as a lever action weapon does. The doors open nicely and figures have no problem standing on top of the base or the tree. The reason it only gets a 4.0 is that assembly of the base is a bit annoying due to the snap tight process and you must put walls and roof on in order or it falls apart. Once complete however it is well worth the $10 price I paid for a nib set....[
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Darth VaderStar Wars - Power of the Force II (Kenner) - Flashback Photos
5.00 stars by
necornautDarth Vader, the second baddest person in the galaxy, between his constant love of strangling people and his deep commanding voice Vader is always a force to be reckoned with, this figure in my opinion was my favorite Vader from this line. He has the standard articulation that you'd expect from a SW figure, you can rotate his elbows to make him hold his light saber with with two hands. I don't remember but I'm pretty sure you can also move his wrists which to me was amazing. This Vader also came with a darker red light saber, which I like better than the some that were released with a light pinkish color light saber. The figure also comes with his cape which is nice and flexible and he stands very well, perfect for when you play escape the Death star board game, overall a fantastic early...[
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TaunTaun & Luke Skywalker (Hoth Gear)Star Wars - Power of the Force II (Kenner) - Creature Sets
5.00 stars by
Mr-XTaunTaun's were a species of animal that looked like a combination of a goat and horse. They were native to the planet Hoth and were used by the Rebels to patrol their base since their usual fighter were not yet all adapted to the new environment. As beats of burden they were easily frightened but became the main unit of transportation on the plant Hoth.
The TaunTaun figures were released twice in this line, once with a Han Solo figure and another time with Luke Skywalker. Im guessing they feature the same body and action but I only own the Luke one, which is the center of this review. The pack comes with several things, a TaunTaun, Luke, a harness and a blaster. Ill kick the review off with the TaunTaun.
The TaunTaun is a bit taller then the usually SW figures but not by much. At full...[
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A-Wing FighterStar Wars - Power of the Force II (Kenner) - Vehicles
4.90 stars by
Mr-XThe A-Wing fighters were part of the small but resourceful Rebel fleet. They were small, lightly armored ships used primarily to engage TIE units, with good results majority of the time. The A-Wings also played significant other roles in the Galactic Civil war, protecting key Rebel targets, scouting, etc. There were even key battles won by A-Wing pilots. The Imperial Super Star Destroyer was taken out at the Battle of Endor when a fatally wounded A-Wing crashed/flew into her command center, killing key officers and causing the ship to plumment into the Second Death Star, killing hundreds more Imperial troopers.
The A-Wing is actually pretty small for the SW line, its about 12-14 inches long, pretty small. It doesn't come with any fancy missile launchers or sound effects but it does come...[
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LandspeederStar Wars - Power of the Force II (Kenner) - Vehicles
4.75 stars by
Mr-XThe Landspeeder was Luke's only form of transportation on his desert home world. It was equipped with no weapons but with a repulser lift that let it speed across the vast deserts.
The Landspeeder was only seen briefly in the begging of "A New Hope", about the first 15-20 minutes. Its really not surprising that it was made into a figure though, the SW line has their thing about making random figures, probably to boost sales. Even though it is a random figure, its still pretty cool. It comes with a few nice features to it. The first is the fact that it can hold two figures, well just about any two figures as long as their legs don't spread out to wide when they are in the sitting pose. The Speeder also has a peg behind each seat, this lets you stick more figures on the vehicle, like the...[
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Luke's T-16 SkyhopperStar Wars - Power of the Force II (Kenner) - Vehicles
4.00 stars by
Mr-XThe T-16 Skyhopper (Luke Skywalker's) figure is one of those figures that defines irrelevancy in my opinion. It was mentioned in one sentence, might have been part of the background for a few seconds and we STILL got a figure that wasn’t the greatest. Now lets move on to the rest of my annoyance.
I believe they really screwed this one up in more ways then one. Two of the three features are pretty much useless. Ill report them anyhow, starting with the most useful. The first is the wings, something they did right. These buggers actually fold in a variety of ways. They can either be at 90, 45 or just about and other degree you can think of up to about 180. Folding wings are nice, makes easy storage. Here’s where we run bad, the cockpit. The cockpit is one of those pull out deals. It plugs...[
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Snowtrooper (E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster)Star Wars - Power of the Force II (Kenner) - Deluxe Figures
4.80 stars by
Mr-XSometimes fans actually do get some figures that were only seen for a quick second. These figures usually vary, sometimes they are good and sometimes they suck horribly. Well the particular figure here, Snowtrooper (Tripod Cannon) , actually came out well. This snow trooper was the operator of the tripod cannon during the attack on Echo Base.
Our trooper comes at 3.75 inches tall. His sculpt is more meant for working the cannon then anything else since he is in a crouched stance with his arms close to his sides. If he is away from the cannon he wont stand up, I've tried. If someone can get him to stand up without the cannon then they are better at this then I. Anyhow, he’s just your normal trooper, he comes exactly like the other Snowtrooper except with no weapons, just a pack to attach....[
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Luke Skywalker (Desert Sport Skiff)Star Wars - Power of the Force II (Kenner) - Deluxe Figures
4.50 stars by
Mr-XIn every series one will find that a company will make a few figures that serve no point whatsoever. These figures may or may not be short packed but always turn up somewhere, sometimes even for allot of money. For fans they are treasures, collectors want them but for everyone else they are usually junk. Such is the case with the Luke Skywalker (Desert Sport Skiff) combo pack. It was never shown in anything as far as I know and the figure is ugly.
I might as well due all both review at once, the Luke figure wont take as long so ill start with him. This Luke comes at 3.75 inches tall and is a repackage of an earlier Luke. This things also ugly, very ugly. Luke looks like He-Man so much its just annoying. Luke is a twiggy farm boy not a bodybuilder!!! He may be in his farm boy clothes but...[
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Speeder Bike (with Luke in Endor Gear)Star Wars - Power of the Force II (Kenner) - Vehicles
5.00 stars by
Mr-XLike the Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike, Luke with Speeder Bike was something I sought to. The only difference this time was I got him when he first came out and without a hassle!!!
Luke comes at the usual 3.75 inches tall, the standard SW height. Unlike the Scout Trooper, he actually comes with a few weapons. He comes with both a blaster pistol, his green lightsaber and removable poncho that’s made out of rubber. Since I've already gone over the Speeder bikes action, I wont repeat myself on the process, it’s the EXACT same as the other one.
With that said, ill move onto coloring. Luke comes wearing his poncho and his Jedi+Endor gear. His Jedi robes are solid black and his poncho is a light tan color. His Endor helmet is a mix of black and tan. His lightsaber blade is a see through...[
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