Star Wars - Power of the Jedi Reviews
Jar Jar Binks (Tatooine)Star Wars - Power of the Jedi (Kenner) - Phantom Menace
5.00 stars by
Despicableminion13An awesome figure with a great sculpt. One of the coolest things about this figure is that his tounge is sculpted out of his mouth as he is blowing a rasberry. It is a great look for the figure and recreates the scene where Qui Gon Jinn tells Jar Jar not to touch anything just after he activates a Pit droid in Wattos Junk yard. The figure comes with a Pit droid will it wich is in it's asleep mode and also a little fact book which has alot of cool facts and stat about Binks. Althogh not one of my favorite Jar Jar figures it is still a great figure and good for any collection....[
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Darth Maul (Sith Apprentice)Star Wars - Power of the Jedi (Kenner) - Expanded Universe
2.75 stars by
Vash_15Darth Maul is a unique character, he manages to be one of the coolest villains ever, and manages to get some of the most mediocre figure ever, Sith Apprentice Darth Maul is no exception. Every figure has it's ups and down, and I'm going to start with his ups. This figure has a unique design and great paint apps, I applaud the fact that they managed to do what even the new ones still can't get right, paint his face. This coupled with his outfit, which I found to be pretty unique, makes him pretty cool to look at. But I'm sad to say this is all there is for pros, on to cons. Like almost every other Darth maul figure ever produced, this darth maul has swivel arms, so tehy don't bend, and unless you're very creative, it's hard to pose him in a way that makes him look different than with every...[
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Rebel Trooper (Tantive IV Defender)Star Wars - Power of the Jedi (Kenner) - A New Hope
4.50 stars by
Mr-XI'm still not a big fan of the Power of the Jedi series, doubt I will ever by one. The figures were om but the main problem lay in their hands. They were made much smaller which means they couldn't hold on of the other lines weapons, something annoying since the lines before had much better weapons. They actually could hold the weapons, but not very well and you had to really force them in, something that was just a waste of time. Of course, with small hands come small weapons. These new weapons were much smaller and the plastic was pathetic, they bent and broke very easily. Since they were so small, the vice versa thing happened also, older figures couldn't hold them and unlike the PotJ line, you couldn't make their hands smaller. The line really should have been more in scale with the...[
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Amanaman with Salacious CrumbStar Wars - Power of the Jedi (Kenner) - Deluxe Figures
5.00 stars by
Mr-XTwo characters, one easily known as the annoying little fellow that was Jabbas pet...thing. The other an alien bounty hunter from a race nicknamed "Head Hunters" fro their tendency to keep their victims skulls to adorn their staffs. Both interesting figures that brought back my interest in the Power of the Jedi series.
Fans of the SW lines after the 1995 series may agree with me, it only went downhill afterwards. The Power of the Jedi line does little more then re-enforce this. The whole line was remakes except for the Expanded Universe series. This wouldn’t be to bad except for the fact that all of the figures hands were sculpted smaller and their weapons were make smaller and weaker. So small that all the figures from series before couldn’t hold them and were easily broken due to their...[
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