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Star Wars (Sideshow) Reviews
Princess Leia as Boushh
Star Wars (Sideshow) - Heroes of the Rebellion
Rated 5.00 stars by Darth Kong
Nice nice nice my first 12in from sideshow instantly want more. Costume A+,accessories A+,Head sculptB- .So long hasbro should have steped up....[See More]
Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars)
Star Wars (Sideshow) - Heroes of the Rebellion
Rated 5.00 stars by Darth Kong
Had to have it. yet again another hit from sideshow.The creature pack adds to jabbas throne,only prob is no articulation,but I can live with it....[See More]
Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars (Sideshow) - Order of the Jedi
Rated 3.50 stars by Darth Kong
This one was a little disapointing in the head sculpt,but overall everything else makes up for it.I can't get enough of these figs,I want more but it is hitting the pocket pretty hard at 50+ a pop....[See More]
Princess Leia as Boushh (Exclusive)
Star Wars (Sideshow) - Heroes of the Rebellion
Rated 5.00 stars by Darth Kong
head sculpt could have been a little better,overall excellent job,just hope they keep kicken out the jedi....[See More]
Princess Leia (Exclusive)
Star Wars (Sideshow) - Heroes of the Rebellion
Rated 5.00 stars by Darth Kong
I could not wait for this one ,and it was worth the wait.Head sculpt is right on,this figure is a 5+....[See More]
Princess Leia
Star Wars (Sideshow) - Heroes of the Rebellion
Rated 5.00 stars by Darth Kong
Doesn't get any better,kudos to sideshow.Now I can do a really nice 12in diorama of Jabbas throne room.Paint is awesome....[See More]
Luke Skywalker: Rebel Commander (Bespin) (Exclusive)
Star Wars (Sideshow) - Heroes of the Rebellion
Rated 5.00 stars by Darth Kong
Love this series,Star Wars done right. Anakin's likeness is fair, clothing and accesories are awesome, fantastic packaging....[See More]
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