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Batman Returns Reviews
Batmobile (Batmissile) Batman Returns (Kenner) - Vehicles Rated 5.00 stars by batman26 The best toy vehicle ever created.hands down. It is very detailed and it is starts off looking like the regular batmobile. puch the button on the top the sides shoot off so it can fit through tight spaces like in the movie. Run into trouble? It has two missile launchers to fight against villains. it is a very rare toy and if you have the opportunity to get a hold on one of these, get it. Mine got thrown away by accident so i'm still trying to track one down....[See More]
I thought about getting this Batmobile but it always seemed so small in the pictures I''ve seen. No one ever put it next to something familiar (like a dollar bill or something) to show the scale...can you fit a Batman into the cockpit? @_@