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Tomb Raider - Cradle of Life Reviews
Lara Croft
Tomb Raider - Cradle of Life (SOTA) - Basic Series
Rated 3.80 stars by JeddTheJedi
I have to preface this review by saying how much I regret ripping the head off this figure and ruining it for a custom that never panned out. It is a really nice figure, and depicts Lara as she appears in the Cradle of Life movie, wearing a jacket with the image of a tiger on the back that she picked up in Hong Kong. Lara also comes with bare arms that you can switch out to replicate her unjacketed look. This figure is almost just as good as the other Lara in this line, the one in the silver wetsuit. Like that figure, Lara is highly articulated, featuring double-jointed elbows and knees among other POAs. The face is a good likeness of Angelina Jolie, apart from looking slightly bored and, like the wetsuit figure, having too high of a forehead and a receeded hairline. There is a slight...[See More]
Lara Croft (Wetsuit)
Tomb Raider - Cradle of Life (SOTA) - Basic Series
Rated 4.00 stars by JeddTheJedi
We all know the body-hugging silver wetsuit Angelina Jolie donned to play Lara Croft in the movie sequel from the film's poster. She spends the beginning of the movie in it, and looks pretty darned good in it too. So, it's good to have an action figure representation of this look. There are only three figures in this line, but these figures by SOTA Toys are certainly a step up from Playmates' toys from the first film. First off, it's super articulated, with double joints everywhere! Also, the sculpt is really nice, with nice texture on the suit and very nice boots. The headsculpt is generally excellent, and looks a lot like Angelina - except for the receeded hairline, that gives her too high of a forehead. The main problem with the figure are that the arms are really really long, and...[See More]
Eomund7 -
Saturday, November 14, 2020
How tall is the figure in centimetres?
JeddTheJedi -
Saturday, November 14, 2020
17.5 cm tall.
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