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Tomb Raider (Playmates) Reviews
Lara Croft vs. S.I.M.O.N.
Tomb Raider (Playmates) - Basic Series
Rated 3.50 stars by JeddTheJedi
I'm a big fan of the Tomb Raider franchise, and loved the first movie even though most everyone thought it was mediocre. It's one of those guilty pleasures, and seeing Angelina Jolie as the character was my sexual awakening of sorts when I was about 8. I jumped at the chance to purchase this when my local toy store was having a clearing out sale. First off, the SIMON robot. It's apparently named after the director, Simon West. In the DVD special features, it is said that the toy designers visited the set, and that the two prongs on top of the toy robot's head were actually clamps holding up the prop on set. There's an action feature where the four arms pop out when you hit the button on its chest, which is cute. The robot appears pretty plasticky, and has far less points of articulation...[See More]
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