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X-Men - 2006 Series Reviews
Wolverine (Ninja Strike)
X-Men - 2006 Series (Toy Biz) - Series 1
Rated 4.50 stars by flightmarco
it's been three years since this figure has been released and yet it remains as one of my favorite figures.. +: solid articulation, great sculpt, AWESOME accessories especially the three bladed sword.. -: out of scale with 6" figures (most wolverines from this line are) *this figure might not be for everyone though since this Wolverine looks like he has a body that's better suited for tall muscular characters, other than that..great figure....[See More]
Sabretooth (Ultimate)
X-Men - 2006 Series (Toy Biz) - Series 3
Rated 4.00 stars by Deathlock66
Sabertooth is wolverines worst foe and he has always been my favourite out of the two.I have quite a few figures in sabertooth.Just let me start off by saying this guy is huuuuugggee! well he is very tall standing taller than my venom figures including the tounge lashing one.He is dressed in green trouses with straps on the thighs and arms he also has a long fur coat.He includes interchangable hands a pair of normal hands and a pair of wolverine claw like hands this is to show that its the ulimate sabertooth or is supposed to be to me hes just the marvel unniverse sabes and is the dominant figure of him in my collection.I like the head sculpt he looks very evil with a hint of happiness in there maybe hes just done something to hurt ol wolvie.The box says he has 32 poa unless I counted...[See More]
Beast (Stealth)
X-Men - 2006 Series (Toy Biz) - Series 1
Rated 5.00 stars by VariablePenguin
I'm actually reviewing the version with the Cat-head. On first look I thought he looked just like a good piece of fodder, until I opened the package: This is a very nice figure. The areas of articulation are plentiful and well placed. I always like when a figure can bend their feet at their toes and their hands at their fingers. The sculpting on this figure is very well done. The detail on his fur and his costume are great. The paint work is very well done with straight lines on all the lined details and with shading and highlighting done appropriately. The "X" on his grenade belt is even straight. The detail on the face is great too. His eyes just pop out and almost have an intelligent quality under all the cat fur. He comes with 2 accessories (or 3 if you count the cord around...[See More]
Henchmen4Hire -
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Ok, you convinced me, this will be my new replacement Beast!
scarecrow studios -
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
i have him, hes a nice figure but i''m not much for the costume. i took the labcoat off of my x-men box set beast and put it on this one and he looks alot better.
Punstarr -
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
That doesn''t look like cat head Beast to me. I''m confused.
Rogue (X-Treme)
X-Men - 2006 Series (Toy Biz) - Series 3
Rated 4.50 stars by colten frost
Rogue, well as some may know this is by far my favorite comic book character ever. So need less to say I was in fits of rage when she didn’t show up in my surrounding area’s toy stores, but I finally bought her of a website (for 30 bucks) and opened her up and found she was beautiful on the exception of her eyes which make her look more like Matt Murdock (blind as a bat!!!!) but with her glasses or a tad of a paint job that’s no huge biggie. She also stands on her own feet, which is a plus! Since most need stands. She also has a nice body, although not my favorite costume I can and did get over it. She came in like twelve different variants; mine has long hair, glasses, and no jacket. The one I spent four months looking for!!! She is also 1000000000% better than her marvel legend counter...[See More]
Bob-A-Ferret -
Thursday, April 12, 2007
I am aware of only 3 variants. Long hair jacket, shorthair vest, short hair no vestibule of anykind. Please kind sir pray tell what are the others?
colten frost -
Monday, April 16, 2007
long hair no jacket,long hair vest,and all of them have the variant with no glasses,
Unknown User -
Monday, April 16, 2007
I got five different ones
one looks like a slightley prettier madam hooch (zoe wanamaker) from harry potter
think TMB used it for a scarlett witch custom
Angel (Bird of Prey)
X-Men - 2006 Series (Toy Biz) - Series 2
Rated 5.00 stars by colten frost
Man do I love this figure he rocks!! I really love the fact that you can move each finger separately!! Once you take off his shades he’s got a gorges face far better than his marvel legends counterpart on that note his wings are also ten times better they look more like wings, were as the other ones look more like a saucer than wings!! Although they are made from black plastic so they tend to chip a bit as dose the bronze on his body and his arms, which are a cream color plastic. He has a bit of a problem with holding his gun/torpedo launcher and only the top one fires the bottom is just a spare, they also shoot in strange directions (not straight forward, but to the side a bit). His neck has a strange craning forward thing happening, it doesn’t make much difference though unless you’re a...[See More]
hawkeye -
Thursday, March 29, 2007
I really liked this figure. The only flaw I found was the legs. He always has the "I gotta pee" look to him. Other than that its one of the better figures made.
colten frost -
Friday, April 6, 2007
i know, he rocks! i love him but ya he has weird leg contortion
Unknown User -
Friday, April 13, 2007
this was one of the figures i used for my first deadeye samurai custom
i love the individual moving fingers and the rest of the poseability
but yeah the legs were kinda weird - but they got sorted
X-Men - 2006 Series (Toy Biz) - Series 2
Rated 5.00 stars by Henchmen4Hire
I haven't seen a Juggernaut made that I like yet, the ML one was out of proportion and older Jugg figs were just awful. This XMC version looks pretty cool, but it's not the "standard" brown suit, it's more like a "what if instead of a magically enhanced dude, Juggernaut was a guy in a high-powered armored suit?" kind of design. He kinda looks like Onslaught...or a cockroach...a really ugly one... Jugger stands a bit over 7 inches to the top of his head (without helmet) and 7.5 with the helmet on. Ugly. That sums up his face. Just take a look at the picture attached to this review, you won't be sleeping tonight. The helmet is flexible and removable and "locks on" to prevent it from flying off when he gets hit with a...[See More]
hawkeye -
Monday, May 7, 2007
I recently got it and was a little dissapointed with the overall mobility of the figure. Arms and legs arent great. The sculpt redeems it a little bit but I was very unimpressed.
X-Men - 2006 Series (Toy Biz) - Series 3
Rated 5.00 stars by Henchmen4Hire
I don't know much about Avalanche but this guy has such an narly suit! It's definitely much more detailed and fitting than the old blue/silver suit I've seen him in. Avalanche stands almost 6.75 inches tall! The dude is huge! I'm not sure if he should be that tall but he looks great! The suit's design is very appropriate for a guy who can crumble entire mountains into the sea. The main suit is dark-blue but it's heavily covered with orange/dark-grey rock and iron armor, beautifully detailed with seams, belts, bolts, and screws (the armor is very dark, nothing like the bright silvery-color in the Toy Biz photos). There's an "A" on the front of his belt instead of on his forehead like before. He wears a rocky helmet that covers his head completely with only the eyes and screaming mouth...[See More]
ratboy -
Saturday, January 13, 2007
No base...knew I forgot to send someting.
Kyle Robinson -
Saturday, January 13, 2007
the base is the most intresting part..lol.. its like a horse comb.. you wind it up and it vibrates around the table on the bristls. I removed that part of it doc but used the OG base on my custom. looks like rocks.
modern_messiah -
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Hey, do you guys thoink they used the smc sShocker as ab base?
X-Men - 2006 Series (Toy Biz) - Series 1
Rated 4.50 stars by modern_messiah
Warren Worthington the third, all round pretty boy and rich kid. A mutant since birth, Warren produced large angel-like wings which sprouted form his shoulder blades, and became a superhero, calling himself the Avenging Angel. This attracted the attention of Professor Charles Xavier. He was one of the founding members of the X-men and was given the nickname Angel. As the years progressed, the X-men faced a foe named Apocalypse, which (with the help of Mr Sinister) turned Angel into the horseman Death, turning Warren's large feathery wings into large metally wings and his skin turned blue, he became one of Apocalypses four horsemen: Death. The figure itself is very good, but I find the face terrible, as his eyebrows are blonde which does not contrast at all and he has ears (as Death...[See More]
X-Men - 2006 Series (Toy Biz) - Series 3
Rated 4.50 stars by Henchmen4Hire
Every team has to have an "ice guy" and Iceman is the X-Men's. Iceman stands 6 inches tall. There isn't much to say about detail so I'll fill the rest of this review with tall tales of my childhood. In 1942, Adolf Hitler...just kidding...I think Iceman's body is the same as Silver Surfer's from the Marvel Legends line. So if you can't find a surfer then buy this icecube and spray-paint him with chrome. The hands are in a throwing or casting form, perfect for ice-shooting positions. The face is alright, no real detail since it's made of ice but you can definitely see the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. The entire figure is made of clear light-blue plastic and then dry-brushed with silvery-white. I don't know what color it is but it looks like pearl-white with a little silver mixed in, it...[See More]
Kyle Robinson -
Sunday, December 17, 2006
figures that also use this body are besides silver surfer (which is a good Idea doc), ML Deadpool, ML Urban Daredevil, & Reed richards. They are all different like doc said. I have purchased 2 of these and One was all silvery and smooth. and the other was VERY CRUSTY. I must get a 3rd to make a silver surfer. here what I did with my iceman.
Colossus (Super Strength)
X-Men - 2006 Series (Toy Biz) - Series 3
Rated 4.00 stars by Henchmen4Hire
First of all, what the hell!? I don't know who the dorks are that decided to make colossus a 10-foot tall behemoth but they need to be shot and tranquilized and then shot again. Every time I saw Colossus in the comics he was a tall muscular guy, but nothing like this bulky monster! He looks too old, looks stronger than Hulk, and he's bigger than Thor! That's where I draw the line. If some Colossus fan boys wanted to make a Hulk-lossus then fine, but they shouldn't have been hired to make this figure. Now I understand why so many people make Colossus out of Sinister. That's it, review over! ...just kidding... Colossus stands a little under 7 1/2 inches tall and is built like a bull, nay, built like a semi, NAY, he's built like a frikkin' dinosaur. There's not much to say...[See More]
Henchmen4Hire -
Sunday, December 3, 2006
UPDATE: His thumbs move up and down! Hah...that''s a funny...
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