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War Machine (Iron Man 2 - 2010 Movie) Review
War Machine
Iron Man 2 - 2010 Movie (Hasbro)I picked this one up today and WOW! Let me tell you, this is a great figure. This one is actually in my top ten Marvel Legends style figures, maybe even top five. First off, the sculpt is great, it is based on the movie War Machine concept of course, but it also reminds me of War Machine in the Marvel Max series, very cool. Next is the paint application, also nice, I couldn't find any problems with it, and the military style additions are great. The figure is also beefy, it has a real presence to it, and the articulation is typical of the Hasbro Legends line. In my opinion, this figure is far superior to the ML War Machine, and is an all-around great figure, they really hit it out of the park with this one. I was so impressed with this figure I actually went back the same day to buy the Iron Man figure, but it does not compare to this one, I'll review it separately.

      5 stars by Xysma Warhorse

User Comments
bjpalm1994 -
Friday, May 28, 2010
Good review! I agree that this is a great figure but was not to impressed by the Iron Man figure. Is it me or does the Mark 6 IMs arms look to short? Once again good review.
Maelstrom -
Monday, May 17, 2010
This is probably the best figure Hasbro has ever done. My only gripes: It''s still too short in comparison to ML and other figure lines. Also, I think the articulation at the hips could have been engineered much better.
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Sonic (Skis)Written by Xysma WarhorseIron Man (Mark VI)