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T-800 {Endoskeleton} (Terminator 2 (Neca)) Review
T-800 {Endoskeleton}
Terminator 2 (Neca) (Neca)good day! this is the T-800 from the terminator 2 series 1 figures from NECA. On the whole, any terminator fan would love this sitting up on their shelf. The paint job is good and accurate. the only problem is that there are as many flaws as there are wins on this figure. the articulation is good but feels very loose and is hard to pose and it is hard for the figure to hold the gun properly. the pistons on his leg work well to hold positions but restrict articulation and are extremely delicate.

overall a good figure but too many flaws give it a 3.50

      3.5 stars by jadomiddlecustoms

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T 800 Endoskeleton on eBay
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Venom (Stealth)Submission OrderDr Loveless (Spider Blaster)
T-800 {Pescadero Escape}Terminator 2 (Neca) SeriesEndoskeleton
Venom (Stealth)Written by jadomiddlecustomsDr Loveless (Spider Blaster)