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Queen Gorgo (300) Review
Queen Gorgo
300 (Neca)I'm giving this figure 4 stars because there is no articulation to speak of, it really is more of a statue than an "action" figure. That being said, this figure is gorgeous, it really captures the sexiness of Gorgo, the body sculpt is incredible, very realistic, but most amazing is the face. Gorgo's face is actually beautiful, it's a decent likeness of Lena Headey, but to be honest, I've never seen her look as good as she did in 300, so it's ok that the figure is a bit prettier then the actress. On a side note, the first thing my wife did when she saw the figure was to look under her toga and sure enough, the breasts are anatomically correct, just in case you were wondering. In summary, this is a gorgreous, very impressive figure, but bear in mind that it was made to be looked at, not played with, it really has no articulation at all.

      4 stars by Xysma Warhorse

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Pteranodon "Steel Beak"Written by Xysma WarhorseSamwise (Moria Mines Goblin Battle Base)