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Shadowhawk (Black) (Indie Spot Light) Review
Shadowhawk (Black)
Indie Spot Light (Shocker Toys)This is a good looking figure, I'm not crazy about the half-ball joints used in these figures, but they're not too bad I guess. Like the Katchoo figure, I really like the ball joint in the lower torso that sits down into the pelvis piece, it's a nice way of connecting the two, probably the best I've seen in any figure. The paint job on Shadowhawk and the white isz are nice and really clean, but I think the plastic they used is cheap, which probably explains why I had so much trouble with Katchoo, and I expect the little arms to break off the white isz in time, bot so far the only casualty was the hook thingy, it broke coming out of the package.

      2.5 stars by Xysma Warhorse

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KatchooSubmission OrderBatman (30" Scale)
KatchooIndie Spot Light SeriesNone
KatchooWritten by Xysma WarhorseBatman (30" Scale)