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Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) (JLA Classified) Review
Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
JLA Classified (DC Direct)This Batgirl is a repaint of the Elseworld's Finest Batwoman, with a different head. The problem is that the Batwoman figure had a stocky body in line with the Ed McGuinness art style, complete with large thighs. Problem is, it doesn't fit this character, who is supposed to be lean, lithe and agile. However, given the circumstances, it's a decent conversion into Cassandra Cain, and the headsculpt is pretty nice. The cape works pretty well too. It is pretty difficult to find an action figure of the Cassandra Cain incarnation, given that the DCSH and First Appearance version are pretty much impossible to find. For me, this will have to do.

      3 stars by JeddTheJedi

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