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Robocop (Robocop (Neca)) Review
Robocop (Neca) (Neca)This is a decent figure of RoboCop, but it is essentially a reissue of the old Spring Holster RoboCop with some added accessories. The articulation is limited just like their previous RoboCop figures. This isn't a huge deal since RoboCop has pretty stiff movements in the films, but I feel there could have been some upgrades made, given the Hagane Works RoboCop is the same scale and has much better articulation then the NECA figures. The spring holster is very fragile and easy to break on these figures, so I avoid using them at all given I had bad experiences with the previous three releases. This one also should have been the one to be included with the Repair Chair, but that was more of a smart move on NECA's part forcing fans to buy both pristine and battle damaged versions if they truly wanted to recreate any scenes in the repair chair.

This figure includes a long-awaited Alex Murphy head sculpt, which is pretty decent given the scale. It also includes a blast effect for his Auto-9, which fits on it pretty snugly. He also includes an alternate data spikes hand, his iconic Auto-9 pistol and a Cobra Assault Cannon. These three accessories were included with previous releases and aren't really anything new, but they're nice additions to justify the Ultimate figure price point.

In my opinion this is a decent figure, and a good choice if you're not willing to pay for the much more expensive Hagane Works Die-cast RoboCop figure from the Good Smile Company, which IMHO is a much better figure, but is also much more expensive and does lack a Murphy head, which is why I ended up buying both of them anyway. With the NECA figure, you get an alternate Murphy head, with the Good Smile figure, you get alternate battle damaged parts and more articulation, but at a much high cost. If you want a RoboCop for your shelf that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, this is a good choice so long as you don't want to put him in any crazy poses.

      4.25 stars by Dark Fire Action Figure Art

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Broken TuskSubmission OrderGeocron (Infernac Universe)
NoneRobocop (Neca) SeriesNone
Broken TuskWritten by Dark Fire Action Figure ArtGeocron (Infernac Universe)