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Archangel (X-Men - 2006 Series) Review
X-Men - 2006 Series (Toy Biz)When I saw this figure in the store I thought, "That is the best Archangel figure I've ever seen."
I wasn't wrong. The figure has a flawless paint job, which is saying a lot because his costume is very intricate. The figure has the higher standard articulation (hinged fingers!). If only they'd do this to all of those female figures...

There are only a few problems. His fingers have some serious excess plastic that needs to be trimmed. His ears look like regular ears when they should be covered in his mask. And finally, the biggest problem: His stupid backpack wing launcher. This thing official changes his name from Angel to Bird. It has tail feather and is a bulk monstrosity. The "missiles" it launches aren't even going to hurt anyone! They're made of some sort of coiled papery material that collapse and lowers the weight of the missiles. Another problem here is that the wings are attached backwards to this backpack. They fold the wrong way.

But other than those minor problems (that could be fixed easily) I really like this figure.

      4.5 stars by VariablePenguin

User Comments
Kyle Robinson -
Thursday, November 30, 2006
thnaks hawkeye
hawkeye -
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Oh man, that is a sweet Deadpool( Its nicer than th ML one)
Kyle Robinson -
Thursday, November 30, 2006
this is waht I made My DP out of.
hawkeye -
Thursday, November 30, 2006
This was my first choice of all the new X toys and its the best, besides maybe Magneto
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