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Nightcrawler (Marvel Legends (Toy Biz)) Review
Marvel Legends (Toy Biz) (Toy Biz)Why they called him "Nightcrawler" I have no clue, he doesn't exactly look like a worm, but I guess the name fits in a strange way.

Kurt stands a tiny little bit under 6 inches, which is fine because he always looked a little smaller than everyone. He's lean and muscular in the perfect proportion but the paint-job could definitely have used a steadier hand. The edges of the red paint are slightly wavy instead of sharply straight and the all-yellow eyes are sloppily painted. Also there is some excess black paint on the white gloves and boots. The head-sculpt is okay, but he looks old, maybe 30, and he has a big double-chin. I don't remember Nightcrawler being that old or having that pronounced of a chin. And he has a sour look on his face, like he accidentally ate some brimstone. The skin is painted blue and has a nice matte-finish while the hair is a little shinier black with blue high-lights. The shoulderpads are flexible (like Colossus's) and the hands and feet are well-sculpted. The tail is awesome! It can be posed like the Sentinel tentacles. Shading on the suit is minimal but it looks good.

Crawler has all the standard ML articulation and then some! The two fingers on each hand are articulated individually (not the thumb) and all three toes on each foot are also individually articulated (including the back-toe), nice work! He has a great mid-section hinge but he was also given a useless free-moving upper-body over the hinge. It's not too bad to look at, but it's useless and marrs NC's overall lithe body, so it's annoying.

      4.9 stars by Henchmen4Hire

User Comments
Henchmen4Hire -
Monday, December 18, 2006
Yup, this guy is well-made, it''s just the paint apps that annoyed me
hawkeye -
Monday, December 18, 2006
This was one of the best MLs to date.(hope Hasbro has seen this toy)
VariablePenguin -
Thursday, December 14, 2006
I believe they call him Nightcrawler because part of his mutant ablitity is to blend into shadows. He is nearly invisible in the dark.
Oh and I think his head looks like the shaved and defanged Beast.
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