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Spawn (Spawn) Review
Spawn (McFarlane)Spawn and McFarlane, a series and a company that rule their respective industries. Could they do any better? The answer: yes, yes they can!!!

What we have here is Mutated Spawn from McFarlane?s "Spawn Mutations" line, a series supposed to represent an alternate reality in the Spawn universe. The main story focuses around Spawn fully grasping his demonic powers which then force his body to mutate into this creature.

Our fellow here stands at about 5.75-6 inches, more then big enough to take on any ML figure. His mutations turned him into a beast, and that?s exactly what he looks like. He comes in what looks like a standing/about to leap pose, along with an angry mouth opened in a predator roar. Both hands are open and the right claw has a sickle type tendril coming out above his middle figure. His back sports three massive spikes and he also has two small, whip-like tails that are adorned with spikes. Running from mid chest around his face horns he also has three chains, two joining chest to head while the other runs from shoulder to shoulder.

This guy has remarkable articulation for a McFarlane figure. If I had to guess, I?d say he was more for play then a statue. He sports articulation at his neck, both shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, and thighs. All of that equals up to numerous poses.

His paint detail is pretty slick two. Overall his body is a light grey/blue color. All claws are a light tan, including the ones from his knees and the spikes on his tails. His eyes are a combo of both a light bright green which a darker green at their corners. His tongue, veins and other "exposed" muscles are a dark blood red. The symbol across his chest is a flat gray on smooth plastic, making if seem as if it wasn't really part of him.

He's a great figure, especially for McFarlane, since they are more known for their statue style then playability. I have to take off for the tails though. While they are flexible, you can?t position them, they are stuck. After seeing they way my Creech figure was done, I found it odd that they wouldn?t give this guys tails more movement. That aside, he's an awesome figure.

      4.75 stars by Mr-X

User Comments
Henchmen4Hire -
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Lol, I have this figure, I couldnt find the right words to write a review on it so I''m glad you did
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Creech CI.001Spawn SeriesPilot Spawn
IcemanWritten by Mr-XMoon Knight