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Archangel (X-Men - 2006 Series) Review
X-Men - 2006 Series (Toy Biz)Warren Worthington the third, all round pretty boy and rich kid. A mutant since birth, Warren produced large angel-like wings which sprouted form his shoulder blades, and became a superhero, calling himself the Avenging Angel. This attracted the attention of Professor Charles Xavier. He was one of the founding members of the X-men and was given the nickname Angel. As the years progressed, the X-men faced a foe named Apocalypse, which (with the help of Mr Sinister) turned Angel into the horseman Death, turning Warren's large feathery wings into large metally wings and his skin turned blue, he became one of Apocalypses four horsemen: Death.

The figure itself is very good, but I find the face terrible, as his eyebrows are blonde which does not contrast at all and he has ears (as Death Warren lost his ears, they were concealed beneath his new costume)and he overall doesn't look ready to fight.
The lower section of the paint job (the leg area and such) are a different shade of pink from the upper half, which means he looks oddly matched. There is a lot of articulation here and the abdominal area flexes nicely for flying poses.

The wing area is rather annoying as the wings are too large and upside down, also because of the missile pack (which fires spring missiles) are in the wrong position on the back, so they are attached too far up the back. The wingpack fits on the back in a slot, but the pack is too large so it looks rather strange. Quite a very very very nice addition to my collection.

      4.5 stars by modern_messiah

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