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A-Wing Fighter (Star Wars - Power of the Force II) Review
A-Wing Fighter
Star Wars - Power of the Force II (Kenner)The A-Wing fighters were part of the small but resourceful Rebel fleet. They were small, lightly armored ships used primarily to engage TIE units, with good results majority of the time. The A-Wings also played significant other roles in the Galactic Civil war, protecting key Rebel targets, scouting, etc. There were even key battles won by A-Wing pilots. The Imperial Super Star Destroyer was taken out at the Battle of Endor when a fatally wounded A-Wing crashed/flew into her command center, killing key officers and causing the ship to plumment into the Second Death Star, killing hundreds more Imperial troopers.

The A-Wing is actually pretty small for the SW line, its about 12-14 inches long, pretty small. It doesn't come with any fancy missile launchers or sound effects but it does come with working landing gear, pilot an open/close cockpit. The landing gear is simple, push the lever at the back and the gear folds down, push again and the gear folds up. The landing gear is a system of three legs and they hold the ship upright and level. The cockpit is also simple, the window pane is on a simple hinge, push down to close, pull up to open.

The AW's color is pretty nice, it looks great. The majority of the ship is a tan color with large red stripes going down the body. Then across these two color they painted on a gunmetal grey color to look like the paint has been laser burned of the craft, a cool looking battle damage feature. The side guns and landing gear are factory grey as is the cockpit. The control panel is also grey and has been fitted for decals.

The ship has not movement but thats expected.

The figure the craft comes with is pretty nifty. He stands at the usual 3.75 inches tall and fits into the craft with ease, most figures do due to the open cockpit. He comes wearing an olive green bodysuit which cover most of his body. On his chest he wears a life support system which is black and has red and white buttons. His boots are black and have the same color green down the middle while his elbow length gloves are black. His helmet still makes me chuckle, it looks like a fishbowl. it is also a combo of the green and black colors and has buttons coming out each side.

Articulation is still the same for this figure, head, shoulders and legs.

A pretty cool figure that adds to any SW fans collection or some kids fleet of ships. My only wish is that the ship would have come with more features but whatcha gonna do? It gets 4.90 out of 5

      4.9 stars by Mr-X

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