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Zam Wesell Speeder (Star Wars - Saga) Review
Zam Wesell Speeder
Star Wars - Saga (Hasbro)The Star Wars Saga collection only had a few vehicles, none were really big and fancy though. However, the ones they did make were cool and fit well in the lines, current and past. The one featured in this review is Zam Wesell's speeder.

I can start off by saying its probably my favorite AotC vehicle, its small, light and looks cool. Its about a foot long and can hold one character. It features an open/close cockpit and battle damage. The battle damage is nifty and probably the best one. The craft has two "wings" that jut out the front. These two wings are made of two springs covered in rubber detailed to look like the crafty. Over each wing fits a solid plastic panel which hooks into two holes on each wing. To use the battle damage, you simply smash it. You slam the front of ship into any object, the wings crumple and the plastic panel shoots off and reveals the "engine" inside. The covering of both wings is again rubber so there is no need to worry about damage. To put the wings back to normal you simply push a button at the end(near the cockpit), the wings pop back into a normal pose and you put the panels back on. This is a pretty cool feature, good for making shots. The opening cockpit is also simple, you push up and it opens, push down and it snaps shut. The cockpit is a nice size and almost any basic figure can fit in it. The cockpit is also completely clear plastic so you can actually see your figure!!!

Coloring is pretty spiffy. The whole speeder is an olive green color but it has yellow stripes down the body and wings. The body also has silver stripes on it. The tips of the exhausts on the back are painted a blood red, a space age turn signal I guess. The inside of the cockpit has simple coloring. the seat is a light grey while the controls have a more metallic silver color.

No articulation besides the wings unless you count the back exhausts, they come out to allow better storing.

A cool figure, definitely one that I enjoy owning and toying with(never gets old smashing it into things). 5 out of 5 stars.

      5 stars by Mr-X

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