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House of M (Marvel Legends (Toy Biz)) Review
House of M
Marvel Legends (Toy Biz) (Toy Biz)When you see this figure in the box you think of nothing but pity for poor Ben Grimm. This figure looks less ever loving and more like an abused child. From what I've seen of the House of M comics though it seems to catch the likeness quiet well. The sculpt depicts the hulking It and his stoney hide meticulously. Articulation is very good. The only point it is missing in a torso joint that may have been sacrificed in order to keep him hunched over. What I was extremely impressed with was the fact that his fingers have 2 points of articulation. Each. That's right, they bend once at the palm (individually) and then again mid finger. This should be the standard for larger sized figures like this. It removed none of the detail from the figure and allows from some great finger curling. Overall, this figure is great.

      4.5 stars by VariablePenguin

User Comments
hawkeye -
Sunday, March 18, 2007
They did an amazing job on the whole set but this was deffenetly the standout
Henchmen4Hire -
Sunday, March 4, 2007
So damn true, one look at it and you just want to look away really quickly because the patheticness of it makes you sick to your stomach. It''s like those poor little puppies at the pound that no one will ever get because they''re so ugly
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