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Madman (Legendary Comic Book Heroes) Review
Legendary Comic Book Heroes (Marvel Toys)The first thing I will say about this figure is that he looks like he jumped off the comic panel at me! He is extremely accurate to the comic Madman.

Okay the run down:
Sculpting - sculpting is great here. His body is detailed enough. Face and hair look great. And the gloves are awesome.
Pain - Not much paint on the body, but the subtle blue shadows are great. The lines on the costume are crisp and straight. His exclamation/lightning bolt looks clean. I really like the way the hair is painted because it looks like it was drawn. The same for his face.
Articulation - He has the articulation you came to expect from the greatness of the Marvel Legends Sentinel that so many waves fail to live up to. His articulation should be the standard.

Great figure! Comic accurate and flawlessly executed.

      5 stars by VariablePenguin

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