Ahmed Best Action Figure Checklist

Ahmed Best Action Figure Checklist

Star Wars - Phantom Menace
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 1
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
A creature from the underwater depths of the planet Naboo, Jar Jar Binks must convince his fellow Gungans to take up arms against the greedy Trade Federation in a battle to preserve the planet.
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 1
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
Jar Jar Binks leads Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to Naboo's underwater city of Otoh Gunga in order to escape the invading Trade Federation forces.
Star Wars - Power of the Jedi
Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace
Released in 2001 by Kenner
Rescued by Qui-Gon Jinn from the Trade Federation forces, Jar Jar leaves Naboo and joins the Jedi on a mission to deliver Queen Amidala to Coruscant. An emergency detour to Tatooine leads them to Watt. . .
Star Wars - Saga
Star Wars - Saga - Attack of the Clones
Released in 2002 by Hasbro
Now a senator from Naboo, Jar Jar wears ceremonial Gungan dress, in keeping with the ceremonial grandeur of the Senate. In a twist of fate, Jar Jar is manipulated into proposing the motion that gives . . .
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