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Phantom Menace | |
![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner Nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker lives on the desert planet Tatooine where he serves the junk dealer Watto. He's a natural mechanic and talented pilot who doesn't realize that he's extraordinarily stron. . . | ![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2001 by Kenner Once a Jedi apprentice trained by the mysterious Jedi Master known as the Dark Woman, Aurra Sing left the Jedi order before completing her training. Aurra Sing now utilizes her prowess as an experienc. . . |
![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner The wealthy Trade Federation secretly assembled a massive army of these unfeeling-skeleton-like battle droids. When the time was right, they were deployed against the peaceful inhabitants of Naboo as . . . | ![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner Droid soldiers serving the Trade Federation, battle droids are emotionless warriors who follow their masters' orders without question. Security droids, programmed to guard Trade Federation bases and p. . . |
![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner The stern but fair ruler of the underwater city Otoh Gunga, Boss Nass is the most powerful Gungan authority on the planet Naboo. He alone can summon the Gungan Grand Army to battle, which he does to a. . . | ![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner Protecting the Galactic Senate and the Chancellor, Coruscant guards represent the Senate's supreme authority and the long tradition of its wise and just rule. Each guard is a highly trained soldier re. . . |
![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner (with Break-Apart Battle Damage) This mysterious and highly trained Sith warrior uses his physical and tactical abilities to further the goals of his Master, Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Maul's anger and. . . | ![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2001 by Kenner Eeth Koth is a Jedi Master and council member known for his highly developed will power and ability to withstand intense pain. He is an Iridonian Zabrak from Nar Shaddaa, a harsh "smuggler's moon. . . |
![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner Reporting live from the press box at the Mos Espa Arena, the two-headed Troig Fode and Beed has long been a mainstay at Tatooine Podraces. Renowned for their instant play-by-play commentary, the famou. . . | ![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner The Gungans are an amphibious species who live in underwater cities hidden in deep lakes on the planet Naboo. Although Gungans have a strong warrior heritage, a series of treaties has long kept them a. . . |
![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2001 by Kenner Rescued by Qui-Gon Jinn from the Trade Federation forces, Jar Jar leaves Naboo and joins the Jedi on a mission to deliver Queen Amidala to Coruscant. An emergency detour to Tatooine leads them to Watt. . . | ![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner Mas Amedda is the stern, Chagrian Vice Chair of the Galactic Senate and is responsible for keeping order during debates. Amedda temporarily takes over when Queen Amidala submits her vote of no confide. . . |
![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner Obi-Wan is headstrong and impulsive, but he is also loyal and trustworthy. Despite the objections of the Jedi Council, Obi-Wan has vowed to fulfill his Master's dying wish: to train Anakin Skywalker t. . . | ![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner One of the twelve members of the Jedi Council, Plo Koon is a courageous warrior who comes from a long line of Jedi. His hand-to-hand combat abilities are legendary. he also uses his Force powers in co. . . |
![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2001 by Kenner As the Trade Federation plan to invade peaceful Naboo unfolds, Queen Amidala must appeal to the Senate for help. In times of danger, the handmaidens serve as secret bodyguards by posing as the Queen, . . . | ![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2001 by Kenner Queen Amidala is a skilled leader who is committed to maintaining her people's way of life. She is a peaceful leader who always looks for the solution that requires the least amount of military action. . . |
![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn has handled many difficult negotiations on behalf of the Jedi order. On some missions, he is required to wear a disguise. Bold and headstrong, he is willing to take any risk t. . . | ![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner R2-D2 is a heroic, tenacious and extremely well-built astromech droid. Owned by the Royal House of Naboo, R2-D2 has been assigned to the Queen's Royal Starship because of his outstanding performance r. . . |
![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2001 by Kenner As one of the royal handmaidens, Sabé assists Queen Amidala with her elaborate wardrobe, hairstyles, and make-up. The handmaidens act as bodyguards to the Queen and are chosen for their intelli. . . | ![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2001 by Kenner An Iktotchi Pilot, Saesee Tiin is best able to focus while traveling at extremely high speeds at the controls of the galaxy's finest spacecraft. He offers a unique perspective on the Jedi Council as h. . . |
![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner This Outer Rim Podrace pilot has rapidly risen to the top of the Podracing circuit through an unbeatable combination of reckless daring, skill, and outright cheating. The only thing Sebulba loves more. . . | ![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2001 by Kenner As a girl, Shmi was captured by space pirates, separated from her family, and sold into slavery. Shmi currently serves Watto, a junk dealer on Tatooine, and also earns a small income cleaning computer. . . |
![]() Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Phantom Menace Released in 2000 by Kenner Also known as Sand People, the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine have not accepted homesteaders on their planet. They prey upon settlers and travelers foolish enough to try to cross the desert wasteland. Sav. . . | |