Vehicles - Double Dragon (Tyco) Checklist
Double DragonOne day, twin boys shall be born who bear the mark of the Dragon. They, and only they, will have the ability to release the power of the fabled Dragon Sword. As long as they are united, justice shall triumph over evil and the Double Dragons shall prevail against the curse of the Shadow.
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Vehicles - Double Dragon (Tyco) Checklist

Double Dragon - Vehicles
Released in 1993 by Tyco
With 3 hidden weapons! Secret rocket launcher, triple ninja disk shooter and secret "Kama" blades!
Double Dragon - Vehicles
Released in 1993 by Tyco
With hidden launcher and 2 "stealthed" spare rockets!
Double Dragon - Vehicles
Released in 1993 by Tyco
With winged grenade missile launcher and two spare grenades disguised as exhaust pipes!
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