Series 13 - Battle Corps - G.I. Joe - Classic Collection (Hasbro) Checklist
G.I. Joe - Classic CollectionThe evil COBRA organization threatens peace and security all over the planet. Their goals: world domination. Through foul play, force and terrorism, they move from their bases and spring their plans, hoping to get a step further toward their goal. However, not all hope is lost. TO combat COBRA, The G.I. Joe have assembled! Made up of courageous soldiers, these men and women fight to the fullest to foul COBRA's plans! With the Joes in the field, COBRA's insidious plans are sure to fail!
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Series 13 - Battle Corps - G.I. Joe - Classic Collection (Hasbro) Checklist

Series 13 - Battle Corps
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
The ALLEY VIPERS are an elite contingent of ruthless marauders and true masters of brutality! Despite their destructive powers and feared reputations, Cobra was dissatisfied with them and recently out. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
The ALLEY VIPERS are an elite contingent of ruthless marauders and true masters of brutality! Despite their destructive powers and feared reputations, Cobra was dissatisfied with them and recently out. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
BEACH-HEAD was a lane instructor at the Ranger School in Fort Benning and an Observer/Advisor at the Covert Ops School in Central America. He is highly disciplined and actually LIKES getting up at 050. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
DIAL-TONE is an electronic communications expert with a thirst for combat. He can tune in on enemy transmitter frequencies, locate their coordinates, then attack with pinpoint accuracy. He's like a wa. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
DIAL-TONE is an electronic communications expert with a thirst for combat. He can tune in on enemy transmitter frequencies, locate their coordinates, then attack with pinpoint accuracy. He's like a wa. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
A graduate of Special Forces School as well as the Flight Warrant Officers' School and a former Rhodes Scholar, FLINT enjoys a well known-and well deserved-reputation as an expert in desert battle tac. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
A graduate of Special Forces School as well as the Flight Warrant Officers' School and a former Rhodes Scholar, FLINT enjoys a well known-and well deserved-reputation as an expert in desert battle tac. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
The last thing you would expect from G. I. Joe's fiercest flamethrower commando is for him to be called ICE CREAM SOLDIER. However, it's a perfect cover because when Cobra hears the Joes are sending a. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
LIFELINE was a paramedic before enlisting in the Army as a corpsman. Because of his rescue talent and experience in emergency situations, he joined G. I. Joe to aid soldiers wounded during firefights . . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
MAJOR BLUDD received initial military training in the Australian Special Air Service but left to join the French Foreign Legion. He then worked as a military advisor in a number of hostile countries w. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
METAL-HEAD is a walking anti-tank weapon! He uses the brain integrated targeting sight implanted into his left eye to get a fix on G. I. Joe tank positions. His anti-tank rocket launcher then senses t. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
Captured Cobra documents revealed the existence of a contract between COBRA COMMANDER and a syndicate of high-tech ninjas led by the NIGHT CREEPER LEADER. He is believed to conduct all field intellige. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
SHIPWRECK is your quintessential sailor. He can splice a line with one hand, fry powdered eggs in 15 foot seas and tell taller tales than a Senate Appropriations Committee. Shipwreck grew up in the sh. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
SHIPWRECK is your quintessential sailor. He can splice a line with one hand, fry powdered eggs in 15 foot seas and tell taller tales than a Senate Appropriations Committee. Shipwreck grew up in the sh. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
SNOW STORM was recruited for the G. I. Joe team after COLONEL COURAGE saw him defeat an entire band of hostile revolutionaries who were trying to infiltrate a peaceful Caribbean village. Snow Storm ac. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
Generals may win campaigns, but it's the sergeants who win the battles by taking charge and kicking butt! STALKER served in the LRRPs with SNAKE-EYES and STORM SHADOW, so he's no stranger to winning b. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
Generals may win campaigns, but it's the sergeants who win the battles by taking charge and kicking butt! STALKER served in the LRRPs with SNAKE-EYES and STORM SHADOW, so he's no stranger to winning b. . .
G.I. Joe - Classic Collection - Series 13 - Battle Corps
Released in 1994 by Hasbro
Vipers are the grunts of the Cobra Legions. If there's an especially dirty job that needs to be carried out, these guys aren't asked to do it, they VOLUNTEER for it! They are highly motivated, superbl. . .
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