A New Hope - Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection (Hasbro) Checklist
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary CollectionA long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Ruled by the evil Emperor Palatine, the known galaxy lives in fear of the Empires might. His rule enforced by an army of Stormtroopers, a limitless navy and his apprentice, Darth Vader, the emperors might is as strong as ever. However, within the darkness, there stirs a light. The Rebel Alliance, a growing band of disgruntled plants, corporations and individuals has decided they have had enough of their tyrannical emperor and his reign. Alone they don't stand a chance but together they may have the power to best the Empire...
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A New Hope - Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection (Hasbro) Checklist

A New Hope
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - A New Hope
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Human, son of a wealthy food magnate from the planet Tatooine Status: Close friend and speeder-racing companion of Luke Skywalker Weapon of Choice: The laser cannons of an X-Wing Starfighte. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - A New Hope
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Artist Profile: The vivid imagination of conceptual artist Ralph McQuarrie brought to life the characters and worlds envisioned by George Lucas. McQuarrie's paintings and drawings were instrumental in. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - A New Hope
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Human, from the parched desert world of Tatooine Status: The most powerful person in the Empire next to the Emperor Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber and the power of the Force Characteristics:. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - A New Hope
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Givin, from the home planet of Yag'Dhul Status: Pilot and slave trader who hangs out at the Mos Eisley cantina Weapon of Choice: Will use anything he can beg, borrow, or steal Characterist. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - A New Hope
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Cloned humans genetically engineered for combat Status: Descendants of the Clone Troopers that fought during the Clone Wars Weapon of Choice: Blaster rifle, blaster pistol Characteristics:. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - A New Hope
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Jawa, diminutive species native to Tatooine Status: Scavengers, scrap-dealers, and traders of technological refuse Weapon of Choice: Jawa ionization blaster, used to inactivate droids Char. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - A New Hope
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Human, living on Tatooine with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru Lars Status: Helps his uncle on the moisture farm but aspires to be a starfighter pilot Weapon of Choice: As yet unaware of his innat. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - A New Hope
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: H'nemthe, a humanoid species from the planet H'nemthe Status: A regular at the Mos Eisley cantina Weapon of Choice: Knife-shaped tongue Characteristic: Fell in love with the tax collector/. . .
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