Return of the Jedi - Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection (Hasbro) Checklist
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary CollectionA long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Ruled by the evil Emperor Palatine, the known galaxy lives in fear of the Empires might. His rule enforced by an army of Stormtroopers, a limitless navy and his apprentice, Darth Vader, the emperors might is as strong as ever. However, within the darkness, there stirs a light. The Rebel Alliance, a growing band of disgruntled plants, corporations and individuals has decided they have had enough of their tyrannical emperor and his reign. Alone they don't stand a chance but together they may have the power to best the Empire...
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Return of the Jedi - Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection (Hasbro) Checklist

Return of the Jedi
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Return of the Jedi
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Apparition Status: Saved from the Dark Side Weapon of Choice: Loyalty and love Characteristic: Dies to save his son As the Rebels celebrate their victory over the Empire, the spirit of A. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Return of the Jedi
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Character Profile: The first appearance of Boba Fett was in an animation short in the Star Wars Holiday Special, whose first and only televised airing was on November 17, 1978. In the cartoon, Fett's . . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Return of the Jedi
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Protocol droid built by Anakin Skywalker Status: In the service of Luke Skywalker Weapon of Choice: Fluent in millions of languages including Bocce Characteristic: Constantly nervous and c. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Return of the Jedi
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Model: Communications/Business Droid Manufacturer: Serv-O-Droid, Inc. Accessories: Surveillance Gear Characteristics: In bad shape due to dire circumstances Originally a simple CZ-series communic. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Return of the Jedi
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Artist Profile: The vivid imagination of conceptual artist Ralph McQuarrie brought to life the characters and worlds envisioned by George Lucas. McQuarrie's paintings and drawings were instrumental in. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Return of the Jedi
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Artist Profile: The vivid imagination of conceptual artist Ralph McQuarrie brought to life the characters and worlds envisioned by George Lucas. McQuarrie's paintings and drawings were instrumental in. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Return of the Jedi
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Baragwin Status: Skilled weapons specialist Weapon of Choice: Stun weapon Characteristic: loyal to Jabba the Hutt Hermi Odle is an expert at crafting weapons and helps fortify Jabba's pa. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Return of the Jedi
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Human, raised on the planet Tatooine Status: Jedi Knight Weapon of Choice: His father's lightsaber Characteristic: Willing to go to extremes to save his friends Luke's plan to rescue Han. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Return of the Jedi
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Model: Astromech Droid Status: Assists Luke Skywalker Weapon of Choice: Cutter blade Characteristic: Stubborn and inventive Luke, Han, Chewbacca, and the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO are caught in a ne. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Return of the Jedi
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Ewok Status: Primitive forest dwellers Weapons of Choice: Net, spear, sling Characteristic: Support the Rebel's cause When the Ewoks mistake C-3PO for a god, Han Leia, and Chewie use thi. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Return of the Jedi
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Human Status: A-Wing Pilot Weapon of Choice: Blaster Characteristic: Part of Rogue Squadron Tycho has a personal interest in defeating the Empire: he lost his family when the first Death. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Return of the Jedi
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Klatooinian from the homeworld of Shawti Status: indentured to Jabba the Hutt instrument of Choice: Drums Characteristic: Thinks Hutts are gods because of their great age Umpass-Stay is . . .
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