Revenge of the Sith - Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection (Hasbro) Checklist
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary CollectionA long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Ruled by the evil Emperor Palatine, the known galaxy lives in fear of the Empires might. His rule enforced by an army of Stormtroopers, a limitless navy and his apprentice, Darth Vader, the emperors might is as strong as ever. However, within the darkness, there stirs a light. The Rebel Alliance, a growing band of disgruntled plants, corporations and individuals has decided they have had enough of their tyrannical emperor and his reign. Alone they don't stand a chance but together they may have the power to best the Empire...
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Revenge of the Sith - Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection (Hasbro) Checklist

Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2008 by Hasbro
Model: Surgical Droid Status: Works in an Imperial rehabilitation center Instruments of Choice: Various surgical appendages Characteristic: Designed for surgery, diagnosis, and treatment Palpatin. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Human clones grown in cloning facilities of Tipoca City, Kamino Status: Called to action as the Separatist crisis escalated into war Weapon of Choice: Blaster Rifle Characteristics: Progra. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2008 by Hasbro
Species: Cloned Human Status: Commander in the 41st Elite Legion Weapons of Choice: Blaster Rifle Characteristic: An authority on obscure alien cultures Like all clones, Gree never questions his . . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2008 by Hasbro
Species: Human born on Tatooine Status: Newly chosen Sith apprentice Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber, the Force Characteristic: Casts off his former identity Now a Sith apprentice, Vader rejects Obi. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Was once human, although mostly machine now Status: One of Emperor Palpatine's most loyal servants Weapon of Choice: The Force Characteristics: Body kept alive by machines, soul kept alive. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Human clones created on the planet Kamino Status: Clone Troopers specializing in zero-gee combat and planetary assault Weapon of Choice: Blaster rifle Characteristic: Supposedly allies of the. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2008 by Hasbro
Species: Cloned Human Status: Part of the 41st Elite legion Weapon of Choice: Blaster Rifle Characteristic: Led by Commander Gree Clone troopers from Sarlacc Battalions A and B accompany Yoda to . . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Human from the harsh, gas-choked planet of Haruun Kal Status: Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council Weapon of Choice: The elegant and versatile Lightsaber Characteristics: Wise, . . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Mustafarian from the volcanic world of Mustafar Status: Skims molten lava to harvest precious minerals Vehicle of Choice: Lava flea that can walk on encrusted lava Characteristic: Mustafar. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2008 by Hasbro
Model: Panning Droid and Repulsorlift Platform Status: Mine Minerals Instruments of Choice: Mining Equipment Characteristic: Used during fateful Jedi duel Obi-Wan and Anakin engage in their penul. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Species: Human; his homeworld is unknown Status: Jedi Master and trainer of Anakin Skywalker Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber, the hallmark of the Jedi Characteristic: Dedicated to the higher good, even w. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2008 by Hasbro
Species: Aqualish from the planet Ando Status: Member of the Galactic Senate Weapon of Choice: Political Treason Characteristic: Supports the Separatist movement Senator Po Nudo pledges his peopl. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Model: Astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton Status: Served Padmé Amidala, Princess Leia, and Luke Skywalker Weapons of Choice: Arc welder, buzz saw, and jets Characteristics: Lo. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Artist Profile: The vivid imagination of conceptual artist Ralph McQuarrie brought to life the characters and worlds envisioned by George Lucas. McQuarrie's paintings and drawings were instrumental in. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2007 by Hasbro
Model: Combat droid manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata Status: In the service of the Trade Federation Weapon of Choice: Built-in arm blaster Characteristics: Fearless, tireless and with only r. . .
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Revenge of the Sith
Released in 2008 by Hasbro
Model: Tripodal Assault Droid Status: Armored Cavalry Weapon of Choice: Variable, from blasters to artillery Characteristic: Manufactured by the Techno Union Infinitely scalable and highly versat. . .
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