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Battle of Yavin | |
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Battle of Yavin Released in 2007 by Hasbro Species: Human, from the planet Tatooine Status: Joined the Rebel Alliance after attending the Academy Weapon of Choice: Blaster Pistol Characteristics: A brash, confident and daring pilot As tal. . . | Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Battle of Yavin Released in 2007 by Hasbro Artist Profile: The vivid imagination of conceptual artist Ralph McQuarrie brought to life the characters and worlds envisioned by George Lucas. McQuarrie's paintings and drawings were instrumental in. . . |
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Battle of Yavin Released in 2007 by Hasbro Artist Profile: The vivid imagination of conceptual artist Ralph McQuarrie brought to life the characters and worlds envisioned by George Lucas. McQuarrie's paintings and drawings were instrumental in. . . | Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Battle of Yavin Released in 2007 by Hasbro Species: Human, born on various planets in the galaxy Status: Elite soldiers serving aboard the Empire's battle station Weapon of Choice: Blaster pistol Characteristics: These elite soldiers also s. . . |
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Battle of Yavin Released in 2007 by Hasbro Species: Human, born on the world of Corellia Status: Smuggler, member of the Rebel Alliance Weapon of Choice: Heavy blaster pistol Characteristics: Very stubborn, fiercely independent, uncomfortab. . . | Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Battle of Yavin Released in 2007 by Hasbro Species: Human, raised on Tatooine by his aunt and uncle Status: Rose precipitously from obscure moisture farmer to Rebel hero Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber, Blaster Pistol Characteristics: A strong. . . |
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection - Battle of Yavin Released in 2007 by Hasbro Species: Various species from across the galaxy Status: Part of the Rebel Alliance Weapon of Choice: Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Thermal Detonator Characteristics: Dedicated to ending the Empire. . . | |