12" Scale - Vehicles - Star Wars - Force Awakens (Hasbro) Checklist
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12" Scale - Vehicles - Star Wars - Force Awakens (Hasbro) Checklist

12" Scale - Vehicles
Star Wars - Force Awakens - 12" Scale - Vehicles
Released in 2015 by Hasbro
These mobile assault walkers operate as mechanized cavalry units, storming enemy positions and running down fleeing troops. This 12-inch scale Assault Walker comes with a Riot Control Stormtrooper Ser. . .
Star Wars - Force Awakens - 12" Scale - Vehicles
Released in 2015 by Hasbro
This civilian speeder bike has been rebuilt to survive harsh desert conditions during long-range reconnaissance missions. The 12-inch scale Speeder Bike comes with a Poe Dameron figure and accessory. . . .
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