Vehicles - Star Wars - Force Awakens (Hasbro) Checklist
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Vehicles - Star Wars - Force Awakens (Hasbro) Checklist

Star Wars - Force Awakens - Vehicles
Released in 2015 by Hasbro
These mobile assault walkers operate as mechanized cavalry units, storming enemy positions and running down fleeing troops. This Assault Walker vehicle comes with a special edition Stormtrooper Sergea. . .
Star Wars - Force Awakens - Vehicles
Released in 2015 by Hasbro
Built from scavenged parts, this Landspeeder has been customized to hold up in harsh desert terrain. This Jakku Landspeeder vehicle comes with a Finn (Jakku) figure and an accessory. Collect and battl. . .
Star Wars - Force Awakens - Vehicles
Released in 2015 by Hasbro
Reserved for the most experienced scouts and high-risk missions, these Elite Speeder Bikes have been upgraded with twin blasters and powerful new engines. This Elite Speeder Bike vehicle comes with a . . .
Star Wars - Force Awakens - Vehicles
Released in 2016 by Hasbro
Launch into action and adventure in the world of Star Wars! Imagine recreating epic battles from Star Wars: The Force Awakens with this Battle Action Millennium Falcon vehicle, featuring a pop-up Nerf. . .
Star Wars - Force Awakens - Vehicles
Released in 2015 by Hasbro
For quick transportation across the junk-strewn dunes of Jakku, Rey relies on her old salvaged speeder. This Rey's Speeder Bike (Jakku) vehicle comes with a special edition Rey (Jakku) figure and an a. . .
Star Wars - Force Awakens - Vehicles
Released in 2015 by Hasbro
The First Order deploys these fast, maneuverable gunboats for combat in subzero climates. This First Order Snowspeeder vehicle comes with a First Order Snowtrooper figure and 2 accessories. • In. . .
Star Wars - Force Awakens - Vehicles
Released in 2015 by Hasbro
The elite of the First Order starfighter pilots have access to specialized craft, such as two-seater TIE craft outfitted with enhanced weapons and sensor systems. This First Order Special Forces TIE F. . .
Star Wars - Force Awakens - Vehicles
Released in 2015 by Hasbro
Armed with proton bombs and laser cannons, this prototype Y-wing Scout Bomber uses its rotating engines to provide enhanced maneuverability during flight. This Y-wing Scout Bomber comes with a special. . .
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