Empire Strikes Back - Star Wars - Power of the Jedi (Kenner) Checklist
Star Wars - Power of the JediThe Galaxy has gone through many changes throughout its time but these could be the most important!!! Starting with the chaotic battle at Naboo, the Star Wars universe has taken many a different turn. Engulfed by the Clone Wars, the galaxy could only watch as the Jedi Order was destroyed and the old Republic became the insidious Empire. Then some watched as the Rebellion rose from the ashes and waged conflict on the new order, slowly gaining a foothold. How will the galaxy turn out and who will claim it?
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Empire Strikes Back - Star Wars - Power of the Jedi (Kenner) Checklist

Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Empire Strikes Back
Released in 2001 by Kenner
The blue-clad Bespin guards commonly known as "Wing Guards" are the law enforcement officers of Cloud City. Under the supervision of Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian, they protect the fl. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Empire Strikes Back
Released in 2001 by Kenner
Loyal even at a great personal risk, strong as a gladiator, and as technically savvy as the brightest Academy graduate, the two meters plus Chewbacca is a true hero of the rebellion. Chewbacca is copi. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Empire Strikes Back
Released in 2000 by Kenner
Taking the form of Darth Vader , the Dark Lord of the Sith, this spirit is the embodiment of the dark side of the Force. It dwells in a cave on the swamp-covered planet of Dagobah. Although defeated b. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Empire Strikes Back
Released in 2001 by Kenner
The multi-armed medical droid FX-7 was stationed at Echo Base on Hoth, serving as an assistant to the medical droid 2-1B. FX-7 played a crucial role in saving Luke Skywalker after a vicious wampa atta. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Empire Strikes Back
Released in 2000 by Kenner
A smuggler before he joined the Rebel Alliance, the daring Han Solo stayed alive by keeping his guard up and his blaster ready. Unfortunately, when he arrived on Cloud City with Princess Leia, Chewbac. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Empire Strikes Back
Released in 2000 by Kenner
The most infamous and feared of all assassin droids, IG-88 has made a career as a ruthless bounty hunter. The tall, slender, gray droid was produced at Holowan Laboratories. IG-88 is equipped with an . . .
Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Empire Strikes Back
Released in 2000 by Kenner
A very old and experienced protocol droid, K-3PO had the vital task of leading the droid pool at Echo Base on the ice planet Hoth. K-3PO helped to coordinate the evacuation of the Rebel outpost when i. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Empire Strikes Back
Released in 2001 by Kenner
Darth Vader threatens an Imperial takeover of Cloud City unless Lando helps capture Han Solo, his friend and gambling buddy. Although Lando initially complies with Vader, the Baron Administrator risks. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Jedi - Empire Strikes Back
Released in 2001 by Kenner
Princess Leia Organa, the beautiful and spirited leader of the Rebel Alliance, is forced to flee from Imperial forces when the Rebel base on Hoth is attacked. Landing on Bespin's Cloud City, she and h. . .
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