Heroes of the Rebellion - Star Wars (Sideshow) Checklist
Star Wars (Sideshow)"The Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times - before the Empire...-Obi-Wan Kenobi

In a galaxy ruled by fear, hopes begins to shine through the darkness. Although devoid of the once mythic peacekeepers, the Jedi Knights, a new coalition of forces has begun to join together to fight the evil Empire. The Rebel Alliance, a group of smugglers, degenerates and plain people tired of the Empires rule have begun moving. In the shadows of the galaxy, they grow ever larger with each victory and persist ever more against the evil Emperor. In the end however, their biggest strength may lie in the hands of Luke Skywalker, a young man strong in the force, a Jedi to be...
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Heroes of the Rebellion - Star Wars (Sideshow) Checklist

Heroes of the Rebellion
Star Wars - Heroes of the Rebellion
Released in by Sideshow
exclusive Bespin Communicator, limited 750
Star Wars - Heroes of the Rebellion
Released in by Sideshow
Heroes of the Rebellion / exclusive Floppy Hat and Goggles, limited 1977
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