Action Figure Chatter

Action Figure Chatter

Talk about the newest figures that are out, your latest finds and hauls from your last shopping spree, your most recent sightings, or ask any questions about action figures not related to customizing.
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casting in Action Figure Chatter by Foxkingcult   
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Hi all ,

Would anyone know a UK seller who does older heads ?
I`m looking for the face off HULK head and a few others ,
On Etsy I can only find 3d prints now rather than head casts and the
prints that might work , I cant justify the £30.00 shipping to the UK ....[See More]
Micro Machines in Action Figure Chatter by Crasyhead   
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Does anyone know where all the military Micro Machines from Galoob went? i don't see it anywhere on the website and i know it was here at some point.
They made quit a bit of that stuff so im surprised how it could just go away. Did someone fat finger the delete button or something?...[See More]
The Briscoes in Action Figure Chatter by russellv1   
Friday, February 16, 2024
Anyone know when the Briscoes are coming out...[See More]
Indiana Jones Adventure Series - the Future? in Action Figure Chatter by Demis Russos   
Friday, October 20, 2023
Hi. New to the forums here. I have been collecting the Indiana Jones Adventure Series collection of 6" figures. I am wondering if anyone knows if Hasbro plans to continue the line beyond the current run of figures.

I am bemused at the fact they haven't released a wide variety of characters and the obvious ones - Mola Ram, Willie Scott, various Nazis have been totally absent in any discussion about the release....[See More]
Xiphos -
Monday, October 23, 2023
It is Hasbro, they will keep pumping out whatever makes money.

So whether or not they continue the line is really going to depend on fan uptake. Quick glance over at Pusle, 4 figures from the line are currently sold out.

I don't know how that compares to SW Black, ML, and GI Joe classified sales.
Darkseid Variant in Action Figure Chatter by Xiphos   
Monday, October 16, 2023
I am trying to find a line. I remember seeing them at a small toy store that carried a lot of vintage and/or higher end figures, like 1/4 NECA etc.

I remember seeing two figures in this line, my brain wants to say they were Play Arts Kai, or something similar. Very detailed. The specific figure I remember that would help me track down the line was a Samurai variant of Darkseid from DC.

Does anyone else have any recollection of this line?

This would have been around 2018-2019 that I saw these toys....[See More]
I need ideas for a IDW TMNT Alopex head. any ideas? in Action Figure Chatter by TMNT Painter   
Saturday, September 2, 2023
I'm using a pre Marvel legend Wolfsbane as the base any ideas for a head to go with it? and if you have an idea what should I use as her tail?...[See More]
Avlyrr -
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
For the head, to be sure the scale is right for ya, you could in-person check out a fox figurine like you'd see at a novelty store, Hobby Lobby, or a zoo gift shop. Might even catch one at a Walmart or a drug store toy section if lucky. Then if you wanted to you could cut the head off of it and put a little bit of sculpt in it to fit on your Wolfsbane fig's neck.

The tail could be made by trimming one of those white fox tails people use in cosplay or a white tail key chain. Typed in "White fox tail 6 inch" on Amazon and some stuff came up. Some have a wire in it and can be posed. Now if you would prefer it more formed than fur you could search for "squirrel figure" that's around 6 inches on Amazon and then just saw off the tail to paint it and attach to your Alopex custom.
Try part off Mattel bvs shield superman in Action Figure Chatter by shengvven   
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Has anyone disassembled the mattel shield superman 6" and tried part off with hot water. The arms and thighs are stuck very firmly...[See More]
Spider-man last stand 3.75” in Action Figure Chatter by ValenStark   
Thursday, August 17, 2023
I’m looking to customize a Spider-man figure to look like Spider-man last stand. I saw a 6” custom done on here. My figures are 3.75.” I’m having a hard time figuring out how to make a plastic, leather looking jacket for him....[See More]
ValenStark -
Friday, August 18, 2023
I did buy a few Jedi with plastic robes that I’m gonna see if I can use. Qui-Gon’s sleeves look sort of like a jacket so I may use those arms to paint them then cut down the robe and see what happens
Von Awesome Customs -
Sunday, August 20, 2023
I hope it works out! I think there is also a Mr negative figure but his arms are more suit jacket
Von Awesome Customs -
Friday, August 18, 2023
You could try Star Wars figures. Some of them have jackets that could work for 3.75
New to Figure Realm questions in Action Figure Chatter by Joey9   
Sunday, August 6, 2023
Hello, I am New to Figure Realm. I searched through lists and added figures I have to my collection but cannot find where I can view the list of these. Sorry for the stupid question,...[See More]
Skull M4ster -
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Hello how's it going! All you want to do is click: Account>public profile>collection. Then you should see it there. Hope this helps!
Joey9 -
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
thank you!!
Darthjoker -
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
Same here. I joined today. Started to search for checklists, and added some figure "to my collection" but I cannot find a link to the checklists. I mean other than searching again for the lists.
Observation in Action Figure Chatter by antithetical   
Monday, February 6, 2023
I find it interesting how sometimes a small, seemingly insignificant detail can make or break a custom. For example, I was recently working on a figure and everything was looking great, at least until I got all the parts put together, something was "off" and I felt like I'd just wasted several hours in prep and painting. Since the body looked good prior to adding the arms and head, that's where I focused, swapped out several different heads, some working better than others, but none really looking right. It wasn't until I added a small bit of blue tack to the top of the neck peg so the head would sit a little higher, and slightly adjusted how one arm was posed, that the figure went from "pile of hot garbage I'm about to set on fire" to "ok...[See More]
Von Awesome Customs -
Thursday, August 3, 2023
I completely agree! I’ve had heads that look great painted but I’ve plopped them on the body only to find they sit too low or too high. Sometimes you just gotta tweak things
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