Identify Help

Identify Help

Get help identifying action figures or related toys you've found buried in your attic, or picked up from a garage sale. Pictures are worth a thousand words!
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swords and bow, to whom do these belong? in Identify Help by Falconhood   
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
i have VIDEOS of me sifting through bags of stuff trying to figure it out...but here's a picture of stuff i need help on...oh, i just realized i can't just put the picture here. i don't know how to post from IG and don't have a picture videos:
okay, i made a SHORT video of it, instead of a picture:
tia...[See More]
What model is this Tonka Truck? in Identify Help by vanguard86   
Friday, May 12, 2023
Beast Riding Actionfigure Toyline in Identify Help by Superape   
Monday, February 6, 2023
Hallo and Greetings to all of you Toymaniac Comrades!

I am desperately searching a shortlived, bareley known
line of actionfigures I stumbled upon several years ago.

There were only around six different kind of figures and I am only remembering the baddies right now.

As I recall, they were Orc-like with blueish skin riding beast creatures. The Leader of the Baddies had some Kind of shooting/
catapult device on his Saddle and was riding the biggest creature among his Fellows.

Thank you so much for your help in advance!


Morris...[See More]
need help with pricing! in Identify Help by jiggers377   
Thursday, December 22, 2022

Okay so my boyfriend is trying to sell his collection of figurines but we have no idea where to start as far as pricing goes. I have attached some images of what he has above. Any help would be appreciated!...[See More]
antithetical -
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
I'm not really familiar with the prices for Star Wars figures, but my suggestion would be to check listings on Ebay, especially look at completed auctions/listings for each specific character figure to get a good idea of what buyers will actually pay.
I'm don't find this action figure anywhere please help in Identify Help by tiburon1967   
Friday, December 16, 2022
Pelase help me identify this figure in Identify Help by songofstorms   
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Maybe I'm blind but I see no markings on the figure. It was with this stand (though I know it does not go with it - the stand has boot prints shaped for another figure). The stand is 2001 Stan Winston - maybe "Mutant Earth"? I am not sure if this figure is related to that or not but it is likely from the same era. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.[See More]
Toy Creature -
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Thats a Mcfarlane dark ages "samurai war series" figure names Dojo. I don't know who the actualy hammer belongs to ? ... igure=dojo
REMCO #18 figure variants in Identify Help by BarfinBart   
Monday, August 22, 2022
Hi, does anyone here have a full list of all the Remco #18 variants? So far, I am aware of at least 4 different versions, and I am trying to identify two of them. I know of American Defense - Dragon (AD-18), US Forces Captain Impermeable (US-18) which is the same as the French Captaine Masque (No-18). I have also seen a neon green version as well as a variant black version with no sleeves. Anyone know the names of the last two?

Thanks!...[See More]
Custom by MOTU in Identify Help by forlena456   
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Hi all I just found this 2011 custom pic
I've known that the body part is Mattel MOTU HE MAN
But Just can't find the source of head sculpt

Hope for any help
[Picture]...[See More]
Random accessory i.d. help in Identify Help by Dvalentine84   
Monday, March 7, 2022
Please help with identifying these accessories...[See More]
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