Custom Workstation

Custom Workstation

Need help getting your custom completed? Looking for your next idea? Do you need some new tips or suggestions to complete your project? Also show off your Works in Progress and get feedback from the community for ideas to finish off your custom.
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Seeking certain custom Super Powers and Secret Wars figures in Custom Workstation by Mark3290   
Sunday, February 11, 2024
I am looking for the following custom figures:

Super Powers -
-Green Hornet (1930’s or 1960’s)
-Reaper (Batman: Year Two)

Secret Wars -
-Black Panther

Even if not Super Powers or Secret Wars molds, but same approximate height (4.5 to 5 inches), that would still be great.

If you can make any of these or know of any that exist already and where to purchase them, please contact me at markbrizzolara @ juno . com...[See More]
Are there any Defenders custom figures for sale? Especially Overmind. in Custom Workstation by Zeo   
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Hi was wondering if any of the customizers here currently have any of their creations that might part with for the Defenders characters: Overmind, Devil Slayer, Red Guardian [Tania Belinsky], Sagittarius, Cloud, Man-Slaughter, Interloper, Red Raven, and/or Aeroika.Thank you!!

** update: have acquired some. Still need Sagittarius, Libra, Cloud, Andromeda, Man-Slaughter, Aeroika. Possibly also White Tiger, Jack of Hearts, Stingray, Captain Ultra.

Can anyone help make my complete Defenders Museum a reality?...[See More]
Noah James -
Friday, October 11, 2024
I don't have any of those on hand, but I'm always looking for a new project if you have some patience? IM me if you're interested
I'm stuck with customs that the client can't buy. in Custom Workstation by Noah James   
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
So I was asked to make a full team of action figures, and after finishing one with three more in varying stages of completion, the client went ahead and got himself arrested where it looks like he'll be for the foreseeable future. I'd like to finish the project, but I'm not much of a collector myself. I've never tried to sell anything that hadn't been requested before, and don't really know where/how to go about it. Is eBay the best course? Is there another forum I should look into? I'm not the most internet savvy person in the world, so any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!...[See More]
Noah James -
Monday, May 20, 2024
These are the night shift figures I have posted. It's tatterdemalion, digger, the needle, dansen macabre, and Gypsy Moth. I'm also finishing up the Grimm Brothers now, which I will be posting soon
BGPhilbin -
Monday, May 20, 2024
Could you please post images of a couple of the figures, so we might get a better idea of what the team is and what style of figures they are?
theLotadFan -
Friday, May 10, 2024
ebay is probably a good way to do it, I've also seen people find success by advertising their figures on social media accounts. I hope you find someone you can sell it to!
Custom Photos on Instagram in Custom Workstation by DrFrankenMike   
Friday, May 24, 2024
I've been creating some customs since I was a teenager and I am here to share them with you via my Instagram. If anyone wishes to see them, I'll link them....[See More]
Custom Figures on Instagram in Custom Workstation by DrFrankenMike   
Friday, May 24, 2024
I, Dr FrankenMike, am here to share my custom figure creations before your eyes.
I had trouble uploading them here so I made a compromise instead....[See More]
Sculpting flexible clothes in Custom Workstation by Mokerto   
Friday, November 3, 2023
Hi, Im currently doing a custom resident evil collection, and I have been trying to do the classic version of re4 ada, but I´d prefer to sculpt her dress instead of sewing, deos anybody know a material that keeps a specific shape but is flexible enought to allow movement?...[See More]
Noah James -
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
This is such a a difficult thing, and I've been trying lots of different ideas lately myself. Depending on your needs, I've had success with cosclay, but only when I can attach it after baking it. Also craft foam sheets 1mm-2mm thick has worked for me as well, but this also needs some experimentation
Xiphos -
Sunday, November 5, 2023
I have seen some others on this forum make clothing that wasn't cloth. I am not sure what all they have used. I think some mentioned electrical tape and sugru among other materials. Also modifying plastic clothing from other figures.
need help making action figure from scratch in Custom Workstation by theLotadFan   
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
hello, I'm making an action figure for class and I need some help. I'm using cardboard and hot glue to make it, but I also have a couple of other materials. I just finished the arms and I think they're pretty good but I do have some problems already:

-the biggest problem is the pins. for the arms, I made double pin joints but I used actual pins, so they work pretty badly. They are super small and thin so they constantly slip and fall out, and the joints are super loose and don't stay in place. i have some thick metal wire I could use but it also just ends up being way too lose and slipping out of the holes. i had this idea where I add a extremely thin super glue layer over them so they fit tighter but I haven't tried it yet.

-ball joints ...[See More]
Looking for some 1/10th legs, don't know where to start in Custom Workstation by PpinoCustoms   
Friday, October 20, 2023
I have a project in mind, but I'm kinda lost on what recipe to go for. I'm working on a female figure which will be taller than usual and have really long legs. I was thinking of kitbashing legs from a 1/10th figure onto a ML body.
Ideally, I'm looking for legs that are somewhat smooth or that lack detail sculpt, that are not too skinny, with good articulation and without heels or boots.
McFarlane Superwoman from the Starro BAF was exactly what I was looking for from a sculpt standpoint but I believe the figure's probably way too big for what I had in mind. Any suggestions?...[See More]
Xiphos -
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
I am glad you found something that worked out well! I also do not have a large fodder bin (yet). I have a few duplicate figures, and some broken figures in need of repair, but those are mostly ARAH and I don't really want to scrap them.
Xiphos -
Monday, October 23, 2023
I don't do any customizing (yet, I am sure you all will be a bad/good influence), but a quick search on the bay popped up a couple of options.

I am just curious, since many lines are constructed differently, do you run into "compatibility" issues, or do you just come up with work arounds on the fly to make parts with different style connections work?
PpinoCustoms -
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
I ended up finding an Arkham Classic Harley Quinn and used those legs. I popped off Moonstone's and Harley's just fit perfectly. Work arounds are usually pretty easy to figure out, the most crucial thing to me is nailing the proportions, having a big spare parts bin (which I don't lol) also really helps.
I've been following this forum for like 10 years but only joined a couple of months ago. Good luck on your customizing! I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun
Culture Hustle/Stuart Semple in Custom Workstation by Xiphos   
Monday, October 23, 2023
Anyone experimented around with any of his paints yet? I am intrigued to say the least. I have a friend that paints miniatures, and she's tried out quite a few of his paints with pleasing results. She uses them along with the standard lines of paints popular for miniatures like Citadel....[See More]
3D Models for Printing? in Custom Workstation by KnightTakesPawn   
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Hi everyone!

It's been a while since I've uploaded a custom but that's because I've been busy developing a new line of toys! The prototypes all work perfectly but I need to be able to replicate the results. I've touched base with 3D modelers / printers but they primarily work in technical fields like architecture and aren't well versed in human anatomy or action figures. I've reached out to 3D gurus on Instagram but I either get immediate "No" or crickets. So I've returned the 'Realm.

I need a 3D modeller. Nothing fancy but there are specifications. No textures, no details, no "character". I'm talking mannequin-level basic. It just needs to fit together in a specific way. If anyone has experience 3D modeling / printing action...[See More]
Henchmen4Hire -
Thursday, October 19, 2023
I've tried to find someone for a similar gig with similar results. The people who are good enough to sculpt good figures, good portraits, etc. tend to want salary gigs at a studio or simply launch a patreon. They also tend to get weird about how you use the models. You pay them to make a model and then they're like, "Whoa there, not so fast, you can't use my model for anything unless you pay me an extra $1000!"

And yeah, being good at sculpting a figure doesn't mean they're good at making functional joints, and vice versa.

I've been messing around with 3d printed joints and I print parts for figures in resin. ( ) ...
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