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Cardstock used for Cardbacks. in Off Topic by AnalogJunkie   
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Hi everyone. This is my first post. I've done much customization and now I'm looking to do some custom cardbacks with bubbles. I have looked high and low and I cannot find info on where I can purchase blank card stock that is used in all the old Star Wars figures and even the new 40th Anniversary 6" line. When I go to Walmart or a crafts store the thickness of card stock is never right. I've heard to recycle old card backs and that's fine, but I want to purchase my own blank stock.

Can anyone help me with the weight that is used and where I might be able to purchase some? Any info is appreciated.

AJ...[See More]
Henchmen4Hire -
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
You could try browsing for websites that offer custom figure card back services and just asking them what they use and where to get it. Sometimes they just tell you and sometimes they act like it's a state secret. Asking for help with this hobby is like pulling teeth sometimes

I would guess they order it in bulk from China or whatever.

Also try asking your local print shop about what kind of card stocks they have access to.
AnalogJunkie -
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Thanks for the suggestion. I've tried that and they are still too thin and not rigid enough. I've tried layering several together and I can get close but it's not practical. I know this material exists in sheets but I can't seem to find where. Top secret info or so obvious that nobody ever asks? Hah Even a google search turns up nada and paper company websites seem to never go up to the correct thickness. Some suggested 110lb but that's not even close to rigid enough.

Hopefully someone knows and can share.
Arc_Buster_13 -
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
You could try the backing boards used for comic books. Not sure what thickness they are though.
Exosquad Reboot????? in Off Topic by TheRubicon   
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Hey all,
My childhood favorite, and to this day, was Exosquad. I lusted after the toys, watched the show every Saturday morning, and now as an adult, I dabble at making my own. I think this is a series that needs a Netflix style reboot ala Voltron. what say you?...[See More]
yellowmartian -
Monday, December 17, 2018
I just saw your post. F yes!!! I want an ExoSquad reboot! I think if they kept the same tone as the original, but dropped the gnarly colors and hair styles that sort of make ExoSquad look like a late 80's punk scene, and also dropped the Neo-animal storyline, it would do well. Even as a kid I thought neoSapien raptors and crabs were dumb, but I loved the NeoMegas and the NeoLords. They made sense. That Galba...what a tricky little guy he was. I'm not sure how they should handle the evil Dr. that infected Nara Burns with that plant serum...I think it would have come into play in season 3 with the new alien race, but it was kind of hokey as well as his plant-minions. Also the action features like Kaz's ship doubling like a projection of his ship or something was hokey as well. I got ...
The New Guy 33 -
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
My brother was a huge fan of this show. It came out right about the time I got my driver's liscense and a girlfriend so I never paid it much attention. My brother saved up all his money from chores, birthdays, shoveling snow and mowing lawns to buy these toys. They were pretty bad a$$ especially for being in a smaller scale like that. It would be cool to see a reboot like Voltron. That show from what I remember dealt with some pretty mature themes for a kids show in the 90s. Would be cool to see redone. Check out the video by Toy Galaxy on YouTube: History of Exo Squad.
TheRubicon -
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
actually, I saw that little vid, they did okay for their segment time. but seriously. I think it's prime fodder. and you're absolutely right, it deal with some pretty mature themes for the target audience, and they did it well. not to mention a fresh line of toys would be killer...and likely cause my divorce! lol
Is FigureRealm Dying? in Off Topic by MercMouth Customs   
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Anyone get the feeling that the site is slowly dying, what with the cancellation of any further contests, and lack of a real sense of community?...[See More]
Edgy 3 -
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
I for sure hope this site powers through the dry spots. It does seem that less and less comments are left but there is still a steady stream of customs coming in. If you look through the site history there is a pattern of groups rising and falling off but there is always a new batch of customizers to take their place......hoping for this new group to keep the dream alive. Now that I have a desk job I visit everyday and look forward to seeing your work!!!!!!
marz161 -
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
hm,yeah I visit the site every day since I signed in first time and since there are no contests anymore it feels like getting more and more quiet.even on the forums...ok,there are much new sign-ins,but these seem to be people who just ask one question at a forum and that's it...less custom uploads too,just "here is my work,look at it and if you like it,I don't even care!" that's really sad... but maybe it's also a question of people's favor.I mean
there have been enough x-men or other marvel character-customs I've seen for three lifetimes...and what about some new contests? maybe one a month every kind of custom can take part in? I think much of the latest contests themes really have been too specific,so maybe it's no surprise noone or just a few cared about...
Henchmen4Hire -
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
I feel that way about the country in general. No sense of community, no one communicates effectively, everyone is off doing their own thing on youtube or facebook trying to rake in ad money or whatever. This site is more like a museum for customs and a repository of information.

Sometimes I leave a skeleton in my chair at the front desk and no one even notices lol
Figurerealm app in Off Topic by DanSkywalker   
Thursday, January 4, 2018
It would be great to make a Figurerealm app...[See More]
How to Make an Action Figure Webcomic in Off Topic by Den   
Sunday, August 6, 2017
There are so many makers of cool custom action figures that I think it would be great to see more starring in webcomics. I search and I don't find much out there. So if you do make one, or already have one, let me know and I will check it out. Check out my PLASTIC ALIEN FIGHTERS: (If you contact me there I will be happy to help you with any questions.)
Anyway, you can set up a website on or other places for free. That alone has a moderate learning curve if you have never done it.
I take pictures of my figures either in front of a mini green screen poster board in my mini studio, or I set up a scene in the mini studio. The green screen allows me to plop the figures in any pictu...[See More]
Plastic Alien Fighters Webcomic in Off Topic by Den   
Saturday, August 5, 2017
I use mostly Lanard, GI Joe, Onell Design and other figures to make my free webcomic PLASTIC ALIEN FIGHTERS. This involves photography, Microsoft Excel, Manga Studio 5, set building, and story writing. I hope you will all check it out and tell your friends:[See More]
Well it's been awhile... in Off Topic by Punstarr   
Sunday, July 9, 2017
I have no idea how long it's been since I last posted here. 10 years? More? I don't even know if anyone from back then is still on here.

Hi, my name is Punstarr and I was a member a long while back. I hope someone still here remembers me....[See More]
Redmist -
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Yo Punstarr! Hope ur doing well! Long time man!
Punstarr -
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Thanks for the kind words.

Actually, I haven't done any customs since I left this site. I kind of got out of the hobby and that was one reason why I left. I am no longer on a few of the other (unrelated to customizing) forum communities that I had moved on to, so I figured (no pun intended) I'd come back here and give folks a shout out. I see the format of the forums has changed. Is there a way to alter it to the old 'list of topics' format that the site used to have?
Edgy 3 -
Monday, July 10, 2017
welcome back...... any new entries while you were gone? Love your custom demon!!!!!!
VEGAS in Off Topic by Foxkingcult   
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Hi everyone , quick question , my wife is going to vegas this week and will be toy hunting for me , last time I went there was only Target and the Disney store for ML`s any one know any stores that sell current Marvel legends ?...[See More]
Henchmen4Hire -
Thursday, March 9, 2017
They have toys in Vegas? All I saw when I went there were guys selling water bottles for $7 because it was 120 degrees lol
Action Figure thriller film... in Off Topic by Hrothmeir   
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Ahoy-hoy, Realm. I just wanted to share a short film I directed and acted in. The plot revolves around action figures and their collectors, and features some customs I've posted here before. Hope you enjoy, and feedback is encouraged.

P.S.: sharing is caring

EDIT: New link[See More]
ENulmerfigs -
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Great video man
Hrothmeir -
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Huh, weird. Okay, here's a link that should work...
Henchmen4Hire -
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Link doesn't work, but sounds interesssting
Heads Up in Off Topic by Foxkingcult   
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Sorry if this has been asked before, looking for links to casters websites, done a Google search but would rather get info from a custom community, looking for head and weapon casts thanks...[See More]
Omarali -
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Casting cave is really good and they add new casts regularly.
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