
Member since July 12, 2017
Last active on Thursday, July 20, 2017
Displaying the latest comments posted by maxt2246.
See also: Comments for maxt2246

Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Topics: Switching heads by maxt2246 -
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Thanks for the advice man. Im thinking this should work, I mean we're talking putting a dc direct made head on a dc collectibles made body. These two should correlate pretty well I would think. The capullo nightwings neck looks a little thicker compared to the hush style nightwing so adjustments might have to be made.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Topics: Switching heads by maxt2246 -
Monday, July 17, 2017
So heat it and it comes off?
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Ok those are things I was trying to figure out I think I'm going to try leave this belt on I like the belt removing method but I don't think I'm gona go that route on this particular figure. Thanks a lot man good info
Friday, July 14, 2017
Ok I gotcha, the belt is made out of the same plastic the body sculpt is from what it looks like. I'm wondering how it would be painting over the yellow factory coat I mean can you even do that and what type of paint you recommend for the plastic? Thanks man
Topics: My figure may be a misspaint by maxt2246 -
Friday, July 14, 2017
His elbow joints were super tight and I was trying to bend his arm and the plastic rod inside his forearm (glove) snapped in half. It broke in the perfect place though krazy glued it back on and its fine
Topics: My figure may be a misspaint by maxt2246 -
Friday, July 14, 2017
It literally looked like he just made out with cat woman. I took some nail polish remover and a toothpick and and scraped it out looks much better. I just broke off where his glove meets the elbow joint though. I like the sculpt but made very cheap
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Custom Tutorials: Paint and Tools by Jin Saotome -
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Sorry this for Jin, I'm wanting to paint the greg capullo yellow bat belt to a more darker bronze Affleck bvs belt. Can it be painted over top of the yellow? I'm new to model painting just getting into anything I need to know for this project? Thanks
Custom Tutorials: Removing DCSH/DCUC-syle Belts by Henchmen4Hire -
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Hmmm yeah I don't know if the torso of the figures are made the same. Batman has no waste movement at all so I'm thinking the torso is sculpted all in one piece, as if the belt was just glued on? If so, the belt cutting method could work I'm thinking. Thanks for your time
Custom Tutorials: Removing DCSH/DCUC-syle Belts by Henchmen4Hire -
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
I'm Max I'm 27 years old long time figure fan and new member on here. I'm wanting to just lower the belt a tad on the Batman and son Dc Direct figure. Will this method work?
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