What do I go for?
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What do I go for?

Posted in Action Figure Chatter

It's my Bday coming up and I'm really stuck on what to ask for. I'm probably going to ask for an ml deadpool (lol) but otherwise, I really have no idea. What fantastic 6 inch figures have you guys come accross that you would recommend?

Posted by jadomiddlecustoms
on Wednesday, May 2, 2012
User Comments
jadomiddlecustoms -
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
thanks dude, you really made an important point that we should all remember. I think I'll just ask for whatever and whatever I get, it will be great because I know that someone spent time and money to get it
c2close -
Monday, May 7, 2012
Advance Happy Birthday!!! Get what makes you gaga.. Whats important you enjoy and appreciate the person who gave you the present. either a cheap or expensive one. what matters, they remember. =)
jadomiddlecustoms -
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Thanks dude, I was actually pretty interested in getting a black panther and fantomex. At the moment, I am mostly into ml. I got the HML deadpool for Christmas so no worries there. The avengers movie figures look awesome! But there is no walmart in The UK! I like pretty much all the hml 2 packs .I was also wandering maybe if anyone could recommend some good revoltech. They look pretty good and im yet to get one.
Therapist -
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
That is very hard to say I mean it all really depends on what you like. Take my wife for example I just recently got her a Sinister Six Venom ad then a SMC Venom. They were so impressive that I decided Im going to get some for myself but it really depends on taste. The hot item right now is the Avengers move figures and for good reason! Minus Loki and Iron Man (who I will get anyway) I have a deep desire for the entire series. Personally one of my most wanted figures right now is the Face off Captain America two pack. But between Marvel/DC/MOTUC/Neca/WWE Elite and plenty of others its really hard to make a suggestion without knowing what you like and what you have. Some of my favorite MLs are the cheapest like ML Dr. Doom and Wonder Man

There are the 2 pack Deadpools from ML that are pretty nice. Other figures that I have seen people go gaga over are
Phoenix & Dark Phoenix
Planet Hulk
Face off cap
First appearance Spider-man w/BAF piece
Black Panther
Any Ghost Riders especially Series 7
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