Mighty Max Color Variations and one missing playset.

Mighty Max Color Variations and one missing playset.
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Figure Realm Comments and QuestionsThere's a few color variants missing from the Mighty Max playset checklist, and one entire playset, a Doom Zone called Mighty Max Extinguishes the Fire Alien. First up:
Doom Zone Color Variants: Two playsets that I know of had distinct color variants:
1. Terminates Wolfship 7 - Silver exterior with green wings and engines and a blue interior. The figures of Lord Lupor and the Lieutenant were colored black instead of blue. Apparently it was only available in a three-pack called Triple Horror with the Horror Heads Lava Beast and Kronosaur. Pic:

I'd add this set under its three-pack's name.
2. Stings Scorpion - Kinda purplish with gold highlights. Referred to as "Scorpio," it came in a two-pack called Clash of the Titans with an alternate coloring of Battle Conqueror/Conqueror featuring red armor.

Horror Head Playsets: Three playsets had color variants. Unlike the Doom Zones, I don't know where they originated from, only that they're 100% real.
1. Versus Kronosaur - Colored red instead of green. I don't know much about it. The villain figures are colored differently than in the regular release; Big Steggy is green with dark purple plates instead of red with blue ones, and Cave Man has a maroon tunic and green bone weapon.

2. Survives Corpus - Instead of being flesh-colored with snot leaking from the nose, the exterior is green and has blood coming from the nose. I am unsure if the villain figures were different vs. the regular release. In both versions I owned, Mort and the Corpse were colored the same as the standard release, however whoever sold them to me on eBay could've lost the original figures and substituted the standard Corpus figures because I've seen pics of differently-colored Mort and Corpse figures; in the regular release, Mort is dressed in brown with a green apron and holding a brown-handled shovel; in the recolor, he's wearing blue with a gray apron and also has red shoes, and his shovel's handle is red. As for the Corpse, the regular release's version is purple and wearing a brown jacket and green pants; the recolor has green skin and is wearing a green jacket and pink pants.

3. Tangles with Lockjaw - This one is blue instead of red. The villain is likewise recolored to have blue skin, making me wonder if he's still called Big Red. His outfit is also colored different; in the standard release, Big Red has on a green jacket and maroon pants. "Big Blue" in the recolor still has the maroon pants but his jacket is black.

And finally, the recolor that's actually an entirely separate playset: Mighty Max Liquidates the Ice Alien was rereleased as Mighty Max Extinguishes the Fire Alien. The version of the logo on the card suggests it's a later release. The playset is black with a red interior, and, as its name implies, is fire rather than ice-themed. The villains are not only recolored, but according to the mini-comic and contents list on the cardback, they're renamed, too! The Cyrogenoid Robot with a blue face is now the red-faced Thermatron Robot, and the bluish Iceosaurus Monster is not the neon green Pyrosaurus Monster.

I'd suggest adding Triple Horror and Clash of the Titans as multi-packs, and Extinguishes the Fire Alien as its own separate playset, but the Kronosaur, Corpus and Lockjaw recolors can go on the existing pages as mere variants unless carded pics prove they got different names like Fire Alien did.

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