marvel legends wave 3 variants???
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marvel legends wave 3 variants???

Posted in Action Figure Chatter

Anyone seen them out in the wild? I found all the regulars at wal mart, but still no Blade, White Doom, Red Deadpool etc...none on evil bay either... ideas? News? Thoughts?

Posted by CAb00se
on Friday, November 9, 2012
User Comments
Therapist -
Friday, February 1, 2013
Hey guys just figured Id update you that wave 3 variants are trickling in. ... face-7143/
Dr.Zom -
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Add the NJ beach area to that list of locations. I've not seen a single wave 3 figure in the wild. Retails are still littered with "commons" from the Terrax and Zola waves.
Spoon -
Friday, December 21, 2012
Found a series 3 Dr. Doom at the Wal-Mart in Adrian, MI. Picked it up. Cool repaint. Still can't find them in my neck of the woods. Seems wave 1 & 2 are warming the local pegs. No biggie. I think I have everything I wanted form wave 3 now except the Deadpool variant which isn't out yet. Now to find a War Machine from the Iron Man series. Just picked up a Mark VI. Sick figure.
Therapist -
Thursday, December 13, 2012
I am actually finding it odd no one can find wave 3 I mean my LCS has them for 10-18$ each no tax so I have passed them all 100000 times over. Maybe I should pick them up
Spoon -
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Was just watching the newly posted reviews of Wave 4 from SolidSnakeInMyPants. At the end of his review for Archangel, he mentions that the running changes should be mixed in with Wave 4. The same way Wave 1 and 2 were done.

It would just be nice to be able to find Wave 3 at all. Still only one local comic shop has them. Not paying 25 plus tax.
CAb00se -
Friday, December 7, 2012
Thats crazy...I would be a pissed too. Funny, the other waves "running changes" were available immediatley, wonder what the hold up is this time around...I havent even seen them on evilbay
dbocustoms -
Friday, December 7, 2012
ok,my local comic store claimed to have had the blade and moonstar,went to go pick them up and they were apparently sold,im not at all convinced that they were even actually there.and honestly those are the only 2 figures I even wanted!aaaaaaRRggRHHg!
Wolverhulk Iron Spideysurfer -
Friday, December 7, 2012
No sign of anything from wave 3 in OKC yet. :-/
Goldenwolf -
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Same here local comic shops got the wave 3 figures before walmart . I remember seeing wave 3 at LCS early oct I think then I finally saw them at 1 walmart out if the 5 on the island ( Oahu, Hawaii ) about a month later & they only had Ironman left so I was better off hitting the LCS & paying a couple bucks extra for a Deadpool & Punisher .
I still want Blade , FF Doom & a ReDPool .
Spoon -
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Yeah, a lot of places haven't even seen Wave 3 yet. I live near Toledo in Ohio. We have yet to get them. We got the other two waves and variants quick though.
Therapist -
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Yeah same here I got the "variants" before the first release for wave one here
CAb00se -
Friday, November 9, 2012
Yeah I realize that they are running changes...but the first 2 wave's Running changes were available right away (at least in my area)....guess this time they really are running changes...
Therapist -
Friday, November 9, 2012
Theh arent technichly variants they are running changes and will shop up with the second assortment
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