Figure Purchase Dilemma
Figure Purchase Dilemma
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Action Figure ChatterSo I finally have seen the movie "Trick R Treat" .After I've wanted the NECA Sam figure because I collect horror figures and he had a pretty cool look to him ,but now that I seen the film I now have issue don't get me wrong Sam's character was alright in my book. But I hate when they kill kids in movies (maybe cuz I've worked with kids as a teachers aid in the past) so like the first time I was like eh whatever but as it progressed there is a scene where kids are heard being dismembered and eaten alive during the schoolbus story .so this like 7 seconds of a film I grad a B without it kinda left me with a sour taste.
So aside from an interesting story to share it leaves me with two discussion questions
1) Have morals or anything of that sort prevented you from purchasing a figure you wanted ?
(Example:No wanting a Chris Beniot figure because he became a real life murderer)
2) Have you ever Rushed in and bout figures from a film and after seeing it regretting the figures / Almost bought figures from a film you hadn't seen and felt like you dodged the bullet after not liking the film and still not buying the figures?
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I was always a huge Friday the 13th fan. For the most part it was teenagers that were dying because the counselors were at the camp partying weeks early before the kids got there. But then came Jason Lives part 6. They thought Jason was dead for good & opened the camp back up. Of course at the beginning of the movie he rose from the grave & went back to what he knows, camp crystal lake. My Dad took me to see the movie in the theater & I'll never forget the scene where the kids are sleeping in their beds & Jason is walking through their cabin. The one little girl is still awake & sees him. I always wondered why a heartless killing machine like Jason never killed the kids in that scene. I guess they had guidelines set about that back then in movies. In the 2000's that must have changed since the kids died in Trick or Treat. It's just more of a statement about what our society is becoming in general if you ask me? I swear the world was a better place bitd.
Now as for the figure.
I have no problems buying a figure because of something that happened in the movie. Because after all it's just a movie & not real. The only problem I really have on buying figures is anything mattel. Since they are a company with no morals that deceives & lies to their fan base on a regular basis!
Look at another way, do you have any problems with owning a Freddy Krueger figure? He primarily kills teenagers in his films, which are typically considered to still be children.
there is a story that basically disproves Christianity in the game. And in the second one, I've heard you fight and kill the Pope. So, I still have yet to play the games (but I've heard the story that causes controversy) but I don't want to support anything that insults, mocks, or tries to disprove any religion whatsoever. I'm a Christian, which just makes it worse, but I'm against blaspheming any religion. It's that person's personal God(s) and beliefs and what they believe is between them. So, what stink is that the franchise is cool in a sense of what it's about. A hooded assassin who freeruns and uses innovative tools and weapons as well as a cool form of fighting is awesome, and I love the art style and the figures look great, but I feel uncomfortable supporting a franchise that blatantly blasphemes one's personal beliefs. So, I feel your pain.
Not to this day on number 1 anyway, don't get me wrong if I heard slave labor was being used to make an action figure I'd probably swerve it but not on the basis of what happened in a film. Sure kid stuff is pretty grim in a film but horror films are meant to shock and to be controversial, you kinda know what you're letting yourself in for when watching a horror film.