What happened to our beloved Marvel Legends?
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What happened to our beloved Marvel Legends?

Posted in Action Figure Chatter

Can you beleive what Hasbro has done to our beloved Marvel Legends line? No comic, crappy packaging and sub-standard figures, all for more money. Here in the midwest it's $9.99 + 7% tax a figure. Before Hasbro, Toybiz had a very economical product at $7.84 + 7% tax with comic and a good package. Am I the only one who can't beleive this? the figures, honestly I've only been doing custom figures for 2 years, but still how a can a good, okay decent customizer hope to sell anything on E-Bay if the price goes up a couple bucks? I realize that it is a new company but I still have the feeling that they, (Hasbro), are giving us the shaft. I mean they bought an outstanding line of figures and then decide to up the cost without guving us the collectors and buyers anything extra. Am I the only who is outraged about this? I have already contacted Hasbro about this but have not been contacted back yet although it has been 2 weeks. Rise up my fellow collectors and let your voice be heard. For what Hasbro is giving us now they might as well ask for a pint a of blood too. Please contact Hasbro and tell them of your concerns. If we all stand together then assurdedly they can't ignore us. Thank you for letting me rant, I feel much better. Any feedback will be taken as received without recrimination. Thank you

Posted by Custom J
on Thursday, January 18, 2007
User Comments
Mcdurg -
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
I really don't like the hasbro line much. They did do good on the Ghost Riders. But the Marvel Legends are only ok to me. I won't buy any of them because I just don't like the sculpting on them. It looks a bit cheap. But what they are doing with the legends line is only ok. I think the toybiz line in the end will do better.
Shadow Convoy -
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
About the same here just about. Except a K-mart they went from about 8.99 for toybiz to 10.99 for the hasbro. They are NOT worth a $3 price hike and you get less. I do like the packaging because it's easier to open but I'm sorry these figs are not as good as the Toy biz ones which I will admit were not perfect but they looked more detailed like statues without sacrificing posibility and less "kiddie" like. I do like the Hercules he'e up to Toy biz detail and though teh Iron man has grown on me, the detail and joints, like many of the Spiderman Origins, and the Ghost Rider Movie Line, is chunky and thick. If ya gonnna up the price don't tak away the gimics like the comic and the stands.
It's true aboutt eh plastic pricess going up becasue of oil. I heard on the news radio station a month or so ago about the pice of Barbies going up because of it.

I'll just say that so far I am not impressed, except with what I mentioned. I could care less about the quality of the plastic if the figure looks like crap. Bottom line is if you don't like how it looks you aint gonna buy it. Face it's still a beauty contest beacause out side of posibility there is little else that matters when when you set it on the shelf. I fear that the figs I like, Hercules, Annhilus, and the upcoming Thor, maybe really unrelesased Toy Biz molds, which would explain the better quality of these sculpts...
dark-spider -
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Hasbro making crap out of female figures .And NO comic books!!How can you call it a legend without the comic?!
Kyle Robinson -
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
EXACT same here in oregon.
VariablePenguin -
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
For some reason ToyBiz here was 7.99 at Walmart and Target and 8.99 at TRU. I guess TRU doesn't adjust it's prices based on area income but the other 2 do. But the Hasbro have been 10 bucks in both WalMart and Target and I haven't seen them at TRU yet because they still have a billion MODOK figs taking up all the space.
Buzzy Fret -
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Not to mention her horrible skinny neck. I was going to use her for my Mystique custom and swap out her head with the original Mystique head when I realized that the Myst head was going to look horribly out of proportion sitting on top of that anorexic giraffe neck.

I think the best things about the current series are the Hulk and the Annihilus.

I don't think the price is all that bad. Hasbros are $9.99 here. ToyBiz was $8.99.
Henchmen4Hire -
Friday, January 19, 2007
Yeah, but someone could still use it in a cust- yeah nevermind, it's useless as a figure, it's better off being sculpted-over with a ninja-mask or as ammo in a kid's slingshot.
VariablePenguin -
Friday, January 19, 2007
that is 100% right. The price of oil is directly related to the price of plastics (which are made of petroleum). This is why there aren't more BAFs the size of Sentinels or Apocalypse. I believe that the higher quality of plastic Hasbro is using also makes the figures a little more expensive.

And Doc, that Emma Frost has a bad face and looks like she's wearing a diaper.
Henchmen4Hire -
Friday, January 19, 2007
Really? Because you just said this:

That sounds like you do mean it's about the money. Might want to rephrase a few things? :]

And all I'm saying is that for every person that doesn't like the new figures, there are a thousand more who DO like them, and vice-versa. You and a million more can send them huge complaint letters, but millions of others are sending them praise about how great they are. There's no such thing as a "sucky" figure, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you wanted to say that the figures are off-model or are falling apart as soon as you open the package, then I can agree with ya, send them complaints until they change! But they're not off-model or falling apart, they're like the other ML figures, they're okay. I still don't understand what you don't like about the new ML figures, Ratboy says they even have sturdier, more durable joints, that sounds like an improvement to me, how 'bout you?

Again, what's the problem with the figures? What is "it"? They look like every other ML. If you mean that you don't appreciate having to pay more for less bases, comics, extras then good, send them letters, hopefully they'll do something about the price-hike, but don't say all the figures "suck" just because they cost 2 bucks more.

I only like the Herc and Beast, but that doesn't mean the rest "suck". Emma's face doesn't "suck", it's just off-model and not very femenine at all. Someone could still use it for a custom and have that be the perfect head for it. Nothing "sucks", people just have different opinions on art and vanity.

And I'm not 100 percent sure about this but I heard toys are more expensive because the manufacturing of plastic is tied to the price of oil. Oil prices are up right now so toy companies have to charge more for their plastic or include less of it in toys to make enough profits.
VariablePenguin -
Friday, January 19, 2007
I agree, they should be told that most of their stuff did suck. I only like Hulk and Hurc in this series ( and the BAF), but the rest look bad or were just stupid ideas (X3 Beast).
Custom J -
Friday, January 19, 2007
It's not about the cash. Most of the customizers can get a good payment on their figures. Myself, I just like the idea that my figures are good enough to be on somebodies shelf. What I'm getting at is what if you are just now getting into the figures or the comics. Everybody is paying more for less. Does this make sense to you? Yes, I know the charaters, but what about the people who are just joining the band wagon. You get a figure and have no idea who it is. I beleive that it is up to us, the collectors and customizers, to insure that the next generation of collectors and customizers get what they pay for. Look if I was getting $100.00 a figure I probably wouldn't, but I'm not, I'm lucky to get $20 for a figure. And if I don't want the figure on my shelf then why try tp sell it. All I'm saying is why pay for something that is not up to the standard that it was. Hey, if enough of us tell the Hasbro what's up maybe they will do something about it. It's worth a chance even if you don't agree with me.
VariablePenguin -
Friday, January 19, 2007
I like the packaging. It has more on it that before and looks more artistic. Also, you don't' cut yourself on sharp plastic trying to pull the figure out.
Henchmen4Hire -
Thursday, January 18, 2007
-The comics were okay but you don't really need them. They were okay if you never heard about a character before and wanted something for background information but you could always just go online and look up some more detailed info. No comics is no big deal.

-I think the packaging looks much less bland than the old one, it's okay. I like the Spideman Origins packages too. I just open up all my figures anyway so I couldn't care less even if the card was all bright pink with orange polka-dots, just as long as I got a figure I like and maybe a BAF part and a gun or something.

-The female figures look so damn ugly to me now. I thought Elektra was bad but these new ones are short and have fat hips with tiny waists. The male figures look the same to me, so I don't know what you mean by "sub-standard" figures, some pictures would help a lot.

And ML figures are 9 to 12 bucks here in Los Angeles.

I seriously doubt 2 dollars more for figures has a major impact on customizers if they sell customs regularly. You get like an average of 20 - 50 bucks for a custom on Ebay, so now you get like 2 bucks less, big deal. If you're just making them for yourself, like me, then yeah it's annoying that they're slightly more expensive, especially when you have to buy 3 to 4 dollar pots of paint.
Gee_jays_Customs -
Thursday, January 18, 2007
at least you guyz were able to get your hand on em, I didn't even get a chance...-_-

ratboy -
Thursday, January 18, 2007
You make a very valid point on this. The only good thing about the new line is the fact that they do use a better quality plastic and the joints are much sturdier, but this doesn't justify a price hike like that. The fact that they cut out all the perks of the line is a crying shame.

The one thing I can say is that the Legands line is notorious for releasing a sub-par line then a good decent line of figs. The line prior to this one was a good one, MoonKnight, Betta Ray Bill, not great but good. So there is a chance this is just following the trend the Toybiz started from the beginning. The next line looks cool, so I 'm not going to pass judgement just yet. I think I'll wait till the next set comes out then I'll make my decision.
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