Hasbro speaks on the Nemesis wave of ML
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Hasbro speaks on the Nemesis wave of ML

Posted in Action Figure Chatter

Hopefully this means they'll start popping up in stores now. Though I am a bit worried about San Diego being the only mentioned city, and that "limited quantities" comment is a bit worrying too.

Posted by DouglasClay
on Wednesday, July 22, 2009
User Comments
argenta-2008 -
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Living in europe is hard when you collect figures . Here, after the wave of Ultron and Wonderman nothing ML arrived for 4 years or so. Then this year the Annihilus wave arrived, I can't believe it..... and then, a few months ago arrived the Blob wave (one of weakest in my opinion).

Here the Hulk wave arrived, with the exception of Wendigo (impossible to find, why I don't know), they are at what will be 10 $.
pock63 -
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Yay I bought a figure from england once where the shipping was much more than the figure itself.
somebody1 -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
like me getting anything from blayne in canada. Doesn't cost much for me to send but for him to send it costs a ton and on top of that if he orders from a US company the shipping is more like a body cavity search lol. If I could get someone in japan I'd be set as I know it doesn't cost that much for shipping and such from there. costs me less to ship to you than to california.
scarlet_magpie -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Yeah mate, I live in UK so I know about shipping charges!!

Adam Warlock cost me 75 or so dollars and more than half of that was shipping!!!
50percentJoe -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
ML figures used to be so cool... I'm gonna cry now.
somebody1 -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
sounds like the ones I find where a $40 figure from japan suddenly becomes $200. I know there are costs to import but can't be that many.
scarlet_magpie -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
It's pathetic. Imagine being a 9 year old living in Houston, Paris, Milan or Liverpool and hearing for months that your favourite comic characters are soon gonna be on your shelf in your room next to your others.....

only to discover they have really been created for a rich middle aged guy to make an obscene profit on on e bay.

You know that one of the big onlin toystores has a MIP Doc Samson at $65.00 minus shipping!! WHY? What the hell can possibly justify that price?

Scottrooper -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sooo...something tells me that Hasbro and Wal-Mart are really hoping that putting those figures in stores in San Diego will pull collectors and scalpers away from Comic-Con to go buy them. The timing and location simply can't be a coincidence.
somebody1 -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
mine has a few ML things: the wolvie/forge set, a couple spidies and johnny storm that have been warming the peg for months. they also have the ML scale wolverine set with colossus and cyclops.
50percentJoe -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Now that's just annoying, how am I gonna get a Punisher from that series? I haven't seen a ML toy at all in my Walmart in months.... that's not counting the crappy Wolverine GI Joe scale things there are.
somebody1 -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I'll have to look on the 31st when I go shopping and let you know. Lately all walmart has had is hawkman (WM is notorious for havnig 30 of the same figure).
scarlet_magpie -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Well mate, if you can get me the following I would be hugely in your debt:

Astonishing Cyclops
War Hulk
FA Cap

CrimeStopper Batman
in fact, ANY!!!!
somebody1 -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
sad to say but I've been buying DC figures for bases. They're a bit more cartoony but I like the hip joints. The place that has cheap ML here still have the Brood queen line for 11.99 while the ones with Hercules in it are still 4.99. they need to lower the price so I can stock up.
Aesthetikz -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I was taking another look over the high res pics of these figs, And some of them are really lacking articulation...
I'm beginning to think that once hasbro has made/used up all the blueprints that Toybiz had to hand over to them~Were gonna see a nice decline Artic and Detail.
HeartBreakKid -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
it was suppose to be in this wave
somebody1 -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Me too. Is there one out or was it supposed to be in this line?
HeartBreakKid -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I really want a Tigra
scarlet_magpie -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Gratz pal!! I am STILL trying to get a hold of Black Wolvie and Rulk's right arm!

And FFF series was NEVER released over here. I got She Hulk and Wendigo loose from trades on here (admittedly where I get most stuff!)
HeartBreakKid -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
well I got my MOC Camo Punisher yesterday at least I have one down
scarlet_magpie -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sephiroth, are you a guy who is "in" with stockists? I can not get a hold of ANYTHING over here. If you can provide me with a means of getting new (last TWO years!!) releases, then you got a free week in the Uk (obv flights not included, but food and a place are!).

See how desperate this is??!!!

Last thing released here was Blob series, and nobody will stock anything until all the blob, mojo and onslaught figs are sold...
somebody1 -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I have to ask my buddy how the stock for hasbro is doing. Last summer it went straight up and now it's probably in the crapper. They keep this up they won't be welcome at botcon, comicons.
scarlet_magpie -
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hi, we are Hasbro. We make toys that you can't have.
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