Educational toy store in mall
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Educational toy store in mall

Posted in Action Figure Chatter

We went to Pittsburgh today and this one store had Transformers, a bunch of 6" ironman figures from the last movie line, Thor and Captain america figures too for about 14.99 each.

Posted by somebody1
on Monday, October 17, 2011
User Comments
somebody1 -
Friday, November 11, 2011
Actually from what my friend said the toy store in the Monroeville mall isn't there anymore, it also houses a zombie museum since the mall was in the original Dawn of the dead. We were going there until she told me than then we went to Ross Park. I kinda hoped she was wrong as it was an amazing store with good prices when I went in 2009.
kngfu -
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Was it in the Monroeville mall? I heard they have a seasonal toy store that is really great.
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