What color are Juggernaut's pants?!
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What color are Juggernaut's pants?!

Posted in Custom Workstation

Hey all - I'm working on a custom that has, basically, the same color pants/bottoms as Juggernaut. Problem is... I don't know what color that is. Is it a brown? Is it a red? A reddish-brown?

If any of you have done a Juggy custom, what color/colors did you use? What paints? I'm basically a games workshop user, but I'm open to suggestion here. I'm stuck.

Posted by mister garbage
on Sunday, January 6, 2013
User Comments
SirMWK -
Friday, February 1, 2013
You could paint 'em a darker brown and then drybrush a reddish brown on them.
mister garbage -
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Thanks guys.

I'm gonna have to check out Bestial Brown to see what kind of color it gives.
Darththomas -
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
The only Juggernaught I've ever seen in hand was the spidey classics one and he had a reddish brown suit, kinda like the old games workshop Bestial brown, I don't know what the rebranded equivalent is
Patraw -
Monday, January 7, 2013
I've always considered his pants to be brown, but I've seen them colored both ways. It's probably more a matter of personal preference than anything else; I'd say just pick whichever color appeals to you more.
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