Well here it is, my very first attempt at a custom figure ever!!! He is Capcom's Wayne Holden from Lost Planet. Its not the most impressive thing but I think its a good start and I hope you all do as well!!! Please keep in mind that this was the very first time I used sculpt and painted anything like this. I didn't focus too much on detail yet, I just wanted to get some basics down first. Heres some shots of the progression, mostly of the head due to the fact that its the most thing that I changed on the figure. So here are the pics:
Here is the figure I bought to use as my base. He is a walmart figure I picked up for a little over $1.50.
Here are pictures of the head after I shaved off his goggles
Here are some pictures of the head after I sculpted Waynes hat, goggles, and mask out of Apoxie Fixit Sculpt
Here are some pictures after I painted his head and then sealed it with Mod Podge Matte Finish
Here are pictures of the completed figure. As you can see I sculpted the fur collar around his neck, the thermal energy canister on his back, and I also filled in the screw hole on his back and sculpted the Y-Strap. I also painted the upper torso to make his jacket.
Here are a few pictures that I thought would look cool to take. These are the weapons that the figure came with in the package